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I wish I could use the real army I want to use...but most people are still anti Forgeworld, so I can't use Renegade Militia as allies, or run my flyer I picked up for the list.

---------- Post added at 04:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 AM ----------

Steam! How are you? Haven't seen you around. I finally finished Way of Kings, brilliant, brilliant story. Started on Mistborn too, lots of fun so far.

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I've been running them as Guard allies, yeah. But it just doesn't feel the same. There's units that don't exist, or exist differently like the Ogryns. Berserker Ogryns are quite a different unit.

Alloy of Law? Don't know that one, so I guess it'll be after the trilogy.

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Ah, interesting. I'm enjoying the Cosmere universe, looking forward to unraveling this meta-plot hidden in the background.

---------- Post added at 04:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 AM ----------

I feel like I should be taking notes from this book, lol. Such a great job of a heist!

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Gotten any hobby stuff in?

Just been reading Warmachine Prime MkII rules and the background for Menoth.

Those peeps at the local game store have got me interested in starting it, and one of them is going to sell me his Mk I protectorate force (includes Harbinger which is the caster I like the look of) so i guess I will need to get the card deck soon to get the up to date cards..

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

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looking like Gencon will be a cheap affair for me depending on the minis announced. I want the book and Lady J set if released, but waiting to see what else...

Which is good because a lot of my 'fund' is going on Menoth figures for Warmachine now...thankfully second hand though so not too expensive!

And saves on the assembly..and depending on the paintjob..the painting too lol!

All win!

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