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Oi Nephilim, get down here! You're making me look bad.... well, worse.

Not shy are you?

Oh and there you are chocobo, perching next to KArn in the rafters...I can see your feet.

#audience laughs#

*raises his brow even higher, sips his coffee*

It doesn't take much effort AB

*Grins and winks before hopping down. The rumbling of the Monolith echos off the walls before they all roll up behind me*

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Oi Nephilim, get down here! You're making me look bad.... well, worse.

Not shy are you?

Oh and there you are chocobo, perching next to KArn in the rafters...I can see your feet.

#audience laughs#

Nope, I was Karn along

*takes off Karn costume*

and this Chocobo is Fell

*Takes Chocobo costume off of Fell*

I have no idea where Karn is

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*raises his brow even higher, sips his coffee*

It doesn't take much effort AB

*Grins and winks before hopping down. The rumbling of the Monolith echos off the walls before they all roll up behind me*

#audience cheers. Autograph hunters rush forward to get the Neph's sig#

Refreshments are served!

Up to much then KArn?

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*steps on to stage and smiles* *aside* I really need to stop hunting ressers before I go on stage *rubs sore shoulder*

*summons the real Karn to her shoulder*

*Appears on your not sore shoulder in a Tux*

Morning Fell =)

*hands you an ice pack*

@AB: You are supposed to be =)

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*steps on to stage and smiles* *aside* I really need to stop hunting ressers before I go on stage *rubs sore shoulder*

At least you still look glamorous. I just get covered in goo all the time!

@Abs: I like Terry Pratchett... A LOT. Neil is Okay... his writing is a little too... blah..? for me?

Yay big Pratchett fan! Favourite book, or is that too hard to call? I Love Guards Guards! And I've seen it performed as a play too with the guy from Blakes 7 (Avon?)

@AB: You are supposed to be =)

I guess. It comes quite easily though!

#audience laughs#

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Got to go to the post office and pick some trousers up from the repair place. Broke the zip last week! :o:

Back in a bit!

#leaves audience in the capable hands of Fell and KArn. And Chocobo#

Enjoy Lunch and take it easy on your zippers man! They have feelings to!

*Looks over to Fell and hands her a coffee*

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At least you still look glamorous. I just get covered in goo all the time!

Yay big Pratchett fan! Favourite book, or is that too hard to call? I Love Guards Guards! And I've seen it performed as a play too with the guy from Blakes 7 (Avon?)

I guess. It comes quite easily though!

#audience laughs#

*covers AB's in goo

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@Abs: I have only read Wee Free Men, but yes they are about Tiff. I love that book

Oohh you need to read the others. For young adults books they are good, even better than some of his latest Discworld books.

Have you had the TV adaptations of 'Hogfather', 'The colour of magic' and 'Going Postal' over in the US?

Worth a look at if you haven't...

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*Looks up from his labtop*

Sadly I've never read any of this work :/

*sips on coffee and goes back to typing away*

Stupid rain... its still dreary and cold outside.

*notices his watch has stopped and the thing on the side used to set the time/date is missing*

Really? Blah... I love this watch....

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*Looks up from his labtop*

Sadly I've never read any of this work :/

*sips on coffee and goes back to typing away*

Stupid rain... its still dreary and cold outside.

*notices his watch has stopped and the thing on the side used to set the time/date is missing*

Really? Blah... I love this watch....

That sux.

You should read some of his stuff, though there is a lot to get through. Depends on whether you like satirical humour in a fantasy setting. No subject is safe from him....

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That sux.

You should read some of his stuff, though there is a lot to get through. Depends on whether you like satirical humour in a fantasy setting. No subject is safe from him....

I love Satirical humor, George Carlin is one of my favorite Comedians along with Luis Black ;)

Yeah ... to much I need to read lol.

*looks at his watch and sighs*

Hopefully the Watch Shop can fix this, I'd hate to have to replace it not. It's only 2 years old and the last one lasted for about 8 *mutters*

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Oohh you need to read the others. For young adults books they are good, even better than some of his latest Discworld books.

Have you had the TV adaptations of 'Hogfather', 'The colour of magic' and 'Going Postal' over in the US?

Worth a look at if you haven't...

The film adaptation of the hogfather is great

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I love Satirical humor, George Carlin is one of my favorite Comedians along with Luis Black ;)

Yeah ... to much I need to read lol.

*looks at his watch and sighs*

Hopefully the Watch Shop can fix this, I'd hate to have to replace it not. It's only 2 years old and the last one lasted for about 8 *mutters*

Thats the problem with todays society, nothing is built to last. Companies make things crap so we have to keep replacing them, swelling their coffers! #rant rant#

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