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A lot of guys here where I live atm seem tomplay quite a lot of Warmachine/Hordes. Havent tried myself though, but I like the models they have :) but to me it seems to be quite straightforward, both start at each side of the table, go into the middle and start bashing each other.. :D

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Yeah, Warmachine doesn't have a lot of intricate scenarios. One of my complaints about the game, honestly. It basically boils down to assassination for standard play- kill the other side's commander. Now, how that's done can be really fascinatingly different from play style to play style... one of my personal favorites was taking a Satyr and slamming the caster into a large target, doing a crapton of damage all in one go, lol.

But, my friend and I who are getting back into it are going to try some non-standard scenarios, removing casterkill as a win condition and possibly trying the game out without regular casters.

---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 AM ----------

In all honesty, the reason I started playing was there was a system, with an already set up network of players that was not the GW ones....

Actually this is the third time I attempted to start playing..... *grin*

Huh. That's different from just about any of my experiences with trying out a new game...

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As a simple thing, I'd recommend doing the SR2013 missions and just pull out caster kill as an alternate victory condition.

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM ----------

zFiend, I'd recommend trying out the game sometime if you want a change of pace from Malifaux. You might find that you like it.

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They really are good scenarios, for the most part. What became problematic is that in tournament play, most would ignore the scenario winning condition in favor of caster kill. Even I did that most of the time, I favored eKaya and Kromac as my casters for Circle and neither of them were much use for the kind of attrition style play needed in SR scenarios.

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Edonil, that's what I'm afraid of :D I already have 3 games I can't get to finish,

1. Malifaux (I always find another master/minion I want, I started with Lynch, then got Yan Lo, then ordered Seamus & alt Nicodem, then Lady Justice and now I want Mcmourning, then I have all the masters I really want, few remain still as maybe at some point masters)

2. Blood Bowl. I have the human team, that I just ordered some new models and I converted my own orc team which is still in progress, missing all the black orcs.

3. Warhammer fantasy battle, beastmen 100+ models unassembled and unpainted (takes me forever to start this mountain)

So I don't want to like another game atm :D

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Yeah, I also love the collecting part and finding new figures, I want to work on my painting skills so I order around models that I like :D

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

And the Warmahorde figures are too tempting.. :D

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Discussing shinies eh?

Yeah, there is always something new around the corner that you find and go..I'll have some of that!

Z fiend: Don't panic, that doesn't seem that bad an unassembled, unpainted pile lol...but I know how disheartening a wall of grey on sprues can be!

Morning Ed, Monkey, anyone else who is watching but should really be joining in!!

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Malifaux related, probably just some metal Lady J stuff (if the plastic crew is released at gencon)..unpainted.

Also got a packet of 6 (yes 6, not 5..think an extra one slipped in) Puppet wars teddies with the cards, unpainted as new for sale...

Apart from that, mainly be micro art studios resin bases, a few odds and ends for warhammer and 40k... nothing major.

EDIT: Woo..just looked in the trading forum and it appears that the full set of teddies and cards could go for as much as £50!!!

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