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@Foe: Its an Adam Sandler Movie....Mr. something I think.... Mr Title....Mr Deeds?

@Fell: Arg I know that! I can't think of the name.... blah!

@Horrible Kids in Movie Theater: I hate that so much!

I've gotten into a habit of just stepping on the back of the seat that flips down and forcing it up if they don't shut up XD

Doesn't work so well with HS'ers but for them you can just ask them nicely and if they dont, threaten and then get an Usher and out they go =) (well... atleast at some theaters)

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@Chocobo: It's a line from Firefly! and If you have never been to the movies where you paid $20 to get in and have some little shit head kids who wont STFU you'll agree with me

@Foe... Jeeze... I can hear it.. but I can't name it :(

I know, I was just being silly

Just found some early wyrd pics of july releases



I got one

You. Shouldn't. Scare. The people

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"Look, I've heard your name around the precinct. I know the circles you travel in. The occult, demonology, exorcisms. Just before my sister was committed, she became deeply paranoid. She started talking about demons, angels."

Crap, that sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it....argh...

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"Look, I've heard your name around the precinct. I know the circles you travel in. The occult, demonology, exorcisms. Just before my sister was committed, she became deeply paranoid. She started talking about demons, angels."

Constantine =)

Love that movie =D

How about this one, name the movie:

"Are you going to be.. okay? Alone?"

"How big can it be"

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"According to Hope, Freud died of kitty Leukemia. According to me, Freud died of being trapped in a laundry basket for four days without food or water."

uhh... sadly one I don't know ><

Have you seen my beatiful daughter Elicia, she almost three years old now

Full Metal Alchemist!

But I forget the name of who said it..

" the dishes are done man .. "

Err... no idea...

I wanna say The Big Labowski..

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