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Lol, i vaguely remember Black's brother turning up and then turning up at Lydia's door..and her mother had returned..I will need to re-read as far as I had got..If thats all as far as i have made it, jeez, then looking at my hastily scrawled synopsis..theres a long way to go in that story arc!

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Of course as soon as I sign off you guys chat up a storm. Large catch-up post ahoy, so I think I'll try using spoilers to make it easier to handle- this way you can skip any or all of it more easily instead of wading through every answer.

Msr. Monkey, did you get that Dystopian army? DW is better developed that Firestorm Armada, which I quit playing because of a lack of campaign books, and I don't think I had enough interest in it to return now that they do.

Most of my gaming knowledge is periphery (Warzone, Song of Blades and Heroes, Alkemy) or "games that are doing well yet no one cares about them" (Kings of War). Malifaux's the closes I have to a mainstream minis game.

I think the best way to deal with FATAL is to apply large amounts of fire...

first to the creators, then to every printed copy of the game save for one, which will go into a museum dedicated to the Worst Gaming Experiences Ever (along with all the world's copies of Shaq-Fu).

I miss Necromunda, but...

between Infinity's campaign mode and Deadzone I might never pick up the rules for it again (I'll just use my gangs as Rebs, Scavvies could be Plague, Spyrers could sub for Enforcers). After reading about the hybrid grid move mechanic I don't know if I'd want to go back to arguing about where on the ladder someone is.

Dwarves in Blood Bowl...what a pain. "Oh hai, we have Block and Tackle on most of the team- have fun trying to get away from us!"

Competitive players are not a problem, when it's a tournament. Hypercompetitive players need to get over themselves. I blame the GW and Warmahordes scene for a lot of this, to be honest.

GW doesn't give a crap about encouraging fair play. No tournament support, the usual deliberate power creep, refusal to (to borrow a line from ex-GW guy Jake Thornton) murder one's darlings, and rules that pretty much force players to buy at least one huge, ridiculously expensive kit to be able to play on an even field add up to "overcompetitive jerks with deep pockets (or spoiled brats with rich parents)" will win more, period."

Privateer's Page 5 nonsense is no better. I think they meant it as "this game is tough for a new player. You're going to lose a lot because the learning curve is high, but stick with it and you'll get better and have a lot of fun. Instead it comes off as "learn to live with overly competitive people stomping your face in, or don't play our game." Well, you said it's probably not the game for me, so congratulations, geniuses- I simply won't play. The game(s) have gotten so huge that it's hard to find people who will play smaller games (does Mangled Metal or whatever the "small forces of 1 'caster/'lock plus a few jacks/beasts" format even exist anymore?).

Even though M2E has increased Stone sizes for their games, it works out to about the same number of models due to upgrades and higher costs per model across the board. I'm so glad Wyrd has decided to keep the game small- I think there's a potential market for a medium skirmish game for a few units of 3 to 10 minis per side in the Malifaux universe, but it should be a separate game. Packs of Nephilim vs. legions of Undead...Guild Guards raiding a Gremlin Village, The Cult of December fending off an attack from a large Merc force...it has potential.

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Good post crusher. I too am a small skirmish only player these days and hope Malifaux never gets vehicles or other things that start stretching the point costs to bigger and bigger games.

I just wasn't sold on the minis of Deadzone, but could easily see myself user Infinity ones as proxies.

---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 PM ----------

I just realised I also have Levi and a mechanical attendant to paint. Even so I wonder if I can get all my Malifaux minis done in time for Gencon. It would be a stretch due to limited painting time at the moment but maybe the deadline is what I need.

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