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Off Topic Playground

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Well normally I'd just be finishing work, so yes. I was up until 7am on the weekend. Read through all of Watchmen and watched a 2 hour movie. Mine are the eyes that never close!

Also we were supposed to play D&D till 7am so I had 2 energy drinks. Then they called the game at 1am. Wasnt happy bout that.

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Oh my god! ..... Nobody mentioned to me that after the movies I had to help herd the seven year olds on the massive walk back to school!

Now I know how you must feel on Game days Ed *grin*

Bring the age down a bit...you might be close.

How'd the game go? Saw a pic on facebook that had me in stitches.

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Oh went great otherwise. Thats just me RPing my expression as I learn things. Thing is Im int moderate high, wis moderately low, so when the party discovered the gelatinous cube I walked into it anyway to learn its secrets. When it absorbed another party member I was taking detailed notes about how it was dissolving him until requested to kill the stupid thing, which I then did.

Also while everyone was hoping over the pit trap to get to the chest I hopped into it to see if anything interesting was living at the bottom. There wasn't but the belongings of the dead people at the bottom was worth over twice what was in the chest

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