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Off Topic Playground

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Stupid internet filter decides to block certain pages of OTT at random. I hope my sister's advice on Netrunner however many pages ago was helpful.

Reading Frontline Gamer article about Kickstarter. While there are definitely valid points (glad I didn't back Ogre, Sedition Wars, or Relic Knights), I've been mostly pleased with the ones I've backed.

Delays don't matter much to me- sure it was disappointing having to wait so long for my Bones stuff, but I got exactly what I was promised. It amazes me how impatient people are with crowd-funded projects to the point of rage if there's so much as a month's delay on anything...

I'm curious as to how your experiences have been with KS and Indiegogo? Mine are here:


Edited by Dustcrusher
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Work was good, the boss agrees with my thoughts on my data, and my work with the other brit from a different lab has led to his boss approving me as an author if we can get the data for a paper. So not too bad all told really.

Hopefully the cell work tomorrow will be good too, and I can have some proof that I can grow the cells I'm supposed to have!

The ion path one? yeah, poor Murtaugh. It really did seem like a good plan...

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