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Which expansion is that Dust? It'll go to first on my list I suspect.

I got my ass handed to me by the starter recommended corp last night...

I picked up "What Lies Ahead" as the first expansion the core set. It has 4 new cards for Haas-Biroid and 2 new cards for the other 3 corps. More importantly (I found), it has new agenda's for all 4 corps so you are not forced to use ALL the neutral agenda's for your corp decks.

Check out the online deck-builder app here (http://www.cardgamedb.com/index.php/netrunner/android-netrunner-deck-builder). I find its a great resource for planning out the new expansion I want to pick up before I buy it.

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Not too bad. Just woke up, figuring out what to do for dinner before work tonight. The goal is to have leftovers to bring with me, but we'll see if that ends up being a reasonable one... wrapping up a submission for Reading Excuses before I get going with anything else.

How's work going?

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Woo, massive storm! You know it's good when the basement at work springs a heavy leak, and lightning sparks down the window frame of the lab...

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

Everyone else enjoying some sun?

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I wasn't totally glad, I had to shut down the kit I was using as it's very voltage sensitive. And I hadn't brought my umbrella, so when I got home I was soaked through every layer...

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

O the other hand, watching the campus get repeatedly hit by lightning was pretty. So I'm not complaining too much!

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