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The Director managed to jack up both her laptops today. Looks like I get to try and save the day again.

At least I don't have to work tomorrow, but the GF's gotta get out of her old apartment in the next few days and because of my surgery I can't lift more than 10 pounds at a time. She put it off until right before she had to leave...

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I'm doing a lot better now- now I just feel sore instead of in pain, and I can eat without getting ill (mostly), but I still can't lift heavy things for 2 1/2 more weeks.

I have a variant of Apples to Apples I thought might be a fun game- since I doubt I'll ever get to make a proper version, I can share. Basically it's a card game take on the Food Network series Chopped. You have a Mystery Ingredient deck, a coated Pantry reference card for each player and a crayon (to keep track of what ingredients have already been used), and a Description deck (used to add fancy-sounding words and cooking processes to the dish description).

Each round, one person plays the Judge. The others are Chefs. The top four cards of the Mystery Ingredient deck are revealed. The Chefs have to use their Pantry cards and Description cards to come up with a dish using all four Mystery Ingredients. The Judge then ranks each Chef's description, giving the best 3 points, the second best 2, and the rest 1 point each. The winner after 3 rounds becomes the next Judge.

I just see the potential for hideous creations like Broccoli Infused Goat Cheese Liver Marmalade and Fried Candy Corn Lamb with Anise-Encrusted Cauliflower. Probably not for everyone but done right I think it would make a lot of food snobs laugh.

If this idea happens to be a good one and you guys steal it I'm going to be very unhappy :Sad_Puppet1:

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I think that may be a kick starter I can get behind. I've never done one before, but my family loves to do game nights and tell stories. Could be pretty awesome.

Also: I think I might have a bread addiction. Our freezers (yes, plural) and fridge and bread basket are almost literally overflowing with bread, and yet... I continue to more... I eat it, but I can't consume as fast as fast or as much as I can purchase from the local bakery... Anyone know the hotline for breadaholics anonymous?

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Waited 20 minutes for the streetcar 2 blocks north of my house before finding out it was diverting 2 blocks west from there, walked over waited another 10, was on the thing for 20 minutes in super slow traffic so was watching Crash Course on my phone, heard over my phone that they were going to be stopping before where I wanted to go, it has been 20 minutes so i looked up to see where we were: 1 Block north of my house.

... perhaps another time my cookie-loves


---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

Also looks like I may get pulled into work again this weekend :|

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