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*strolls back in with his coffee and muffin, waves to all*

I return!

How are you all doing?

Blood Bowl huh? I wish they had kept making that game, even though I don't particularly like Football this was a different story. =)

In other news... BRUINS WON! They tie the series 1 to 1 vs the lightning!

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*strolls back in with his coffee and muffin, waves to all*

I return!

How are you all doing?

Blood Bowl huh? I wish they had kept making that game, even though I don't particularly like Football this was a different story. =)

In other news... BRUINS WON! They tie the series 1 to 1 vs the lightning!

Go BRUINS!! I have no idea what I'm cheering for.... ;)

And Bloodbowl is one of the best games ever...hours of fun as a nipper, especially explaining to my grandma why its ok to chop a players leg off with a chainsaw......

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I got to get my Orcs ready for cakebowl

There will be cake bowl

Mmmm cakebowl... that just sounds like the perfect idea to be honest.

I remember when I first started getting into table top games... trying to explain to my mother what a Tyranid was and why you wanted to shoot it now before it got closer. Heh and how my LGS owner forever instilled the idea that double 1's on 2d6 were Elf Numbers and not Snake Eyes XD

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Mmmm cakebowl... that just sounds like the perfect idea to be honest.

I remember when I first started getting into table top games... trying to explain to my mother what a Tyranid was and why you wanted to shoot it now before it got closer. Heh and how my LGS owner forever instilled the idea that double 1's on 2d6 were Elf Numbers and not Snake Eyes XD

Better than Toilet bowl anyway....

Surely the thrill in shooting tyranids is leaving it until the last possible moment before popping it. You look way more cool doing it that way!

Welcome to the Absolution Black school of warfare..... Guild only!

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Tyranids remind me of the Zerg... which makes me think of seige tanks.... *walks off to find Lobo and ask him about a seige tank*

Siege tanks? Warships? Do these finger wagglers know more than they are letting on?

I remember the last tank Lobo built with its egg cannon...


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Tyranids remind me of the Zerg... which makes me think of seige tanks.... *walks off to find Lobo and ask him about a seige tank*

Zerg make me thing of Bunkers and Fire Bats.... mmmm Zergling Roast...

Either that or Reavers! Swarm up! I dare you! The Reavers shall have you with their Scarabs! Muahahhaha!

Was just to bad how slow Reavers were till you upgraded them heh.

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*smiles as she thinks about the sound of five tanks going into seige mode at the same time* BOOM, BOOM BOOM BOOM, BOOM

*Grins from your shoulder and pats your head*

Enjoy lunch AB!

*Sighs and kicks his labtop*

Looks like I to install my IDE again... something went screwy with it. *hangs head and clicks the uninstall button*

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forgive my ignorance... IDE? isn't that a period of time during a Roman Month (beware the Ides of March--Name that play)

lol! I suppose it is =) I didn't know that.. but the play is Shakespeers: Julius Caeser if memory serves...

But it's also Integrated Development Environment. It's what I write code in and use to compile it etc. This one is really nice and does a lot of helpful things... but for some reason it's bugging out on a critical section of dependencies for this project. Been driving me up a wall since yesterday.

Soooo I can't fix the issue with it, so have to try a reinstall and hope that works *Crosses fingers*

@AB: Sadly I think that may just make it madder ><

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@Karn: Oh RIGHT. You're jogging my memory now... haven't heard that term since High School... AP Comp Sci... I have NO idea how I passed that class haha. Once we got into classes... I was totally lost. I understand them on an intelectual level.. Just didn't get how to make them work.... My teacher led me a lot, I think. *shakes head* I still don't know how I managed a three on that AP exam....

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@Karn: Oh RIGHT. You're jogging my memory now... haven't heard that term since High School... AP Comp Sci... I have NO idea how I passed that class haha. Once we got into classes... I was totally lost. I understand them on an intelectual level.. Just didn't get how to make them work.... My teacher led me a lot, I think. *shakes head* I still don't know how I managed a three on that AP exam....

I wish my HS had AP Comp Sci. Sadly we had a really lame comp sci department. The only decent thing we had with computers was writing classes and Graphic Design classes (which were fun). So I took those and self taught myself C and Java, which was a bit of a trial lol.

Heh and yup the intellectual level intimidates a lot of people, but if you get that the rest is trivial. It's basically just understanding another language like you would learn to speak/write one. Memorizing the language it's self is trivial, learning the nuances of the language is what takes a lot of time and skill =)

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Also... there is a guy from Southern Maine (who calls himself The Big Cheese) who wears a Top Hat, Malifaux style. I hate playing against him... he's one of those people who talks down at you when he's trying to be helpful... which makes me want to kick him... but I thought it was interesting that his top hat resembles the hats on the Wyrd Employees' info panel... thing...

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@Abs: That shirt is AWESOME!!! we should totally buy it and Send it to Sketch.. or you could send it to someone who is going to GenCon and then have them give it to Sketch :)

I found it in the UK. But it is probably available along similar lines in the US! (zazzle.co.uk They come in different styles and sizes)

Great idea, but no-one knows what size he takes, and no-one is brave enough to ask!!

Edited by Absolution Black
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@Karn: you're a dweeb ;) I got a 3 on the AP test, haven't taken another computer class since then (neither basic or advanced). *shrugs*

Get me started on Literature, and I'll join you in your dweeb-dom ;)

*snickers and leans against your head*

I prefer the term Dork ;)

Yeah I wish I had a better select of AP classes in HS, weren't many choices at mine.

Hmmmm... *opens up Fells hood and sparks her starter on Literature* =D

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I found it in the UK. But it is probably available along similar lines in the US!

Great idea, but no-one knows what size he takes, and no-one is brave enough to ask!!

I'll ask him them.

@Sketch: What sized T-Shirt you wear of fuzzy over-lord of the hechmen?

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