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Im actually at home! Just hopping between here and popping into Beta to clarify and funify what I can. Today's funny mental image: Taelor ripping out her own spleen as a present to Nicodem who turns it into a Spleencropunk

Probably gonna play Quantum Conundrum in a little though

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Useful, that. I like the shadowseer model.

I think I've finally finished the basic tones of lady J's skin. Not sure what to do about the colour glazes though still (dammit Sophie...) so I think I'll post up a progress report and deal with it tomorrow.

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Just prepping photos for a second update tonight. Also had a sudden craving that resulted in me eating nearly half a box of cookies, not sure what that was about. Usually I only gorge like that when I'm really in the zone!

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Could well be, I got a sudden dump of information into my head as I tried to update my thread on wamp about where to put the colours so I may be lucky enough to have her back tomorrow!

Course, if I'm wrong, then I'll wreck my whole evenings work on the skin...

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