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Its Cinnamon Hazelnut this morning for me :)

Ohh that sounds awesome, how is it?

*shakes fist at online store, opens her wallets, gulps, closes it quickly* I just purchased $44 worth of v2 cards......

It's for a good cause =)

*hugs the side of your head*

We stole the sun :D

I think New England in general stole it, it is NICE out today!

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Don't sweat it, I've just purchased £70 worth of Hamelin etc models!

Thank god for spring clearouts!

...but it was just cards... but not all of them are for me... my Gamers are paying me back for some of them... but my LGS has three crews that are "professionally" painted that I got v2 cards for (bad form to have new players using the old cards) that I don't think the owner is going to pay for.. which is kind of okay, but it kinda sucks at the same time.... *shrugs* I gotta save my money from now on *looks at gas prices and curses*

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Classic Red Vs Blue!

I love Donut XD

...but it was just cards... but not all of them are for me... my Gamers are paying me back for some of them... but my LGS has three crews that are "professionally" painted that I got v2 cards for (bad form to have new players using the old cards) that I don't think the owner is going to pay for.. which is kind of okay, but it kinda sucks at the same time.... *shrugs* I gotta save my money from now on *looks at gas prices and curses*

Wow the LGS won't pay you back for cards for there crew? Thats really lame of the owner, it's the stores crews right? Sheesh...

Well at least your other players will pay you back for theirs.

Edited by karn987
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Wow the LGS won't pay you back for cards for there crew? Thats really lame of the owner, it's the stores crews right? Sheesh...

Well at least your other players will pay you back for theirs.

Malifaux is like the red headed step child at our LGS... I try to make sure I buy all my stuff from them, because they don't make us pay to use the tables. But we aren't a huge money maker in the area... which I'd like to try and change. I don't think it'll be HUGE, but I want it to be profitable for the LGS to carry Malifaux...

On that note, we are the last to get restocked... last to get new stuff in (unless the guy who owns it wants the models)... So when I told him I was ordering he said he didn't need any. I asked about the store cards, and he said "what about them?" I feel like I'd be neglecting my Henchman duties if I don't get the new cards (plus the old cards look like hell... they get tossed in a drawer with no protection or anything when the new folk are done with them. So if he doesn't pay for them, I'll hold on to them so at least they'll look nice. *shrugs*

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Malifaux is like the red headed step child at our LGS... I try to make sure I buy all my stuff from them, because they don't make us pay to use the tables. But we aren't a huge money maker in the area... which I'd like to try and change. I don't think it'll be HUGE, but I want it to be profitable for the LGS to carry Malifaux...

On that note, we are the last to get restocked... last to get new stuff in (unless the guy who owns it wants the models)... So when I told him I was ordering he said he didn't need any. I asked about the store cards, and he said "what about them?" I feel like I'd be neglecting my Henchman duties if I don't get the new cards (plus the old cards look like hell... they get tossed in a drawer with no protection or anything when the new folk are done with them. So if he doesn't pay for them, I'll hold on to them so at least they'll look nice. *shrugs*

Well that is awesome that your pushing so hard to get it going more =) Hopefully it can take off some more. But yeah, good idea to hold onto those cards if he isn't going to take proper care of them. Goo thing he doesn't make you pay to play... I hate LGS that try to make you do that.

Well at least you have a place to play and some people to play with.

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*shrugs* it's what I do :D

On a side note... I think I'm having a reaction to my coffee :(

You are just a nice person who cares about what they do!

Your LGS owner needs to work with you. Its a win situation if you get lots of people interested and buying. Then if people come in to play, they are often tempted to buy more, providing they stock them!

New, fresh upcoming games are what they should be stocking...not old behemoths! Do they stock GW? Does that sell well?

And reaction to the coffee? Maybe a caffeine rush?

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