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I usually read more historical stuff. I got a japanese historical giant waiting for me after 'The Stand' and a couple Bernard Cornwell books as well.

I think you'd like Cornwell. He does a lot with military and wars. Covers a lot of that stuff. Just purely historical/fiction. Nothing really Sci-Fi about it.

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I could strongly recommend his trilogy based on King Arthur. Really awesome reads and really brings the legend down to a realistic, yet still awesome setting.

Otherwise his King Alfred series is really nice. Anglo Saxony fending off Danes and other Viking like tribes.

The Starbuck series is cool too. That is US civil war based with a Yankee kid who runs off to join the rebels, mostly because he is alienated by his father.

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Definitely one for my gremlin skin. Might consider a terribly NMM one. I can do the blending and stuff of NMM, but I just totally ignore 'real' light effects on the parts I want to paint metallic and instead just paint what the fock I think looks good. Haha. :'D

Also a human skin tone tutorial when my Colette crew is on the painting board. Shtuff like that. :)

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I am considering a full out tutorial on how I finish up a gremlin. Starting with the base and all the general information pertaining to prepping a model to finishing it off and making the base. I think stuff like that could be helpful and I am more than willing to give people a few ideas.

I remember when I first started out to paint. I only really had two friends who played in the day with me and when I got to meet new people I kept getting new ideas off of them. Sometimes self made ones but often passed down techniques and thoughts.

I kind of want to return the favor somehow. :)

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I am. I could be. Perhaps. Maybe not =P

No it's good. Kinda difficult with chapters being so long (and me being so busy and slow), so I've been splitting feedback by sections seperated by the "------" I've also been using my copy of it in microsoft word to add some of the simpler thoughts directly into the text (words that should be cut, changed, etc). Overall it's similar to your other work, in that you're good at action, consistent and distinctive characters, and general story (haven't settled on plot yet). What you're less good at is descriptions (where you often use rather bland or needless words/phrases), exposition (which relates to description, but is more to do with understanding what you're saying on the first read) and I suppose general word choice and expression (you tell a good story, but straightforwardly for better and worse). Your overall pace and paragraph structure seems solid, particularly in the novel format I've got it in (no massive walls of text). But yeah, that's just the geneal gist, and my opinion might change as I read more.

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I am sure it has. Gotta remember about 83% of the forum goers are lurkers and voyeurs and pick up information but do not comment or really make themselves known.

I am no professional in painting like Mako. But I do not fret if I can pass on some experiences I have with others. My goal is to have everybody paint their gremlins orange. Then world dominance. And twinkies.

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Oh descriptions...you are my bane...

I think when I get some time, I need to find some writing prompts for only description and work on those.

And yeah, my chapter format sucks, lol. Took way too long to realize I'm functioning more in 'parts' than I am 'chapters'.

Looking forward to seeing all your critiques, it'll be interesting to see your recommendations. Any chance you could send along what you've got?

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

I am sure it has. Gotta remember about 83% of the forum goers are lurkers and voyeurs and pick up information but do not comment or really make themselves known.

I am no professional in painting like Mako. But I do not fret if I can pass on some experiences I have with others. My goal is to have everybody paint their gremlins orange. Then world dominance. And twinkies.

Honestly, that lack of 'professional in painting' can be a useful thing...I've seen some painters who love to talk about painting, but they're so far beyond the 'basics' of the hobby that it's a 45 minute introduction to lead to a technique because they don't know how to explain it without referencing five other advanced techniques, lol. Not that this applies to Mako, just some of the stuff I've seen on Cool Mini or Not over the years.

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Oh yeah. To be honest I actually find such tutorials, despite being awesome, also very intimidating. They make some stuff look so easy with which I still have a lot of difficulty. But yeah.

I will either make the tutorial based on Som'er or a Bayou Gremlin. My Ophelia crew is already based and primed. Kind of hard to decribe how to make the base when you have already finished it.

I might do it on a Bayou Gremlin, just because Som'er will take much more work and effort and I do not think I will be able to write up a simple tutorial on painting the guy. Plus the regular models are what people end up painting the most of. Might as well get to painting them, right?

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If that applied to me I'd be annoyed (with myself), because it would mean I sucked at teaching it! I try to keep things fairly simple, although sometimes I dare say it gets a little complex.

plus, I'm no professional, they get paid :-P

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It is not that you explain things poorly. Actually I find your tutorials pretty nifty. I was most impressed by the chrome one, to be honest.

What I mean is that when I look at how simple you make it look and how difficult it is for me to even get anything remotely decent, I get slightly intimidated. It is like having a race car driver teach a 15 year old how to drive a race car at 180 mph on a track.

The control of the elements are lacking, which is downright just practice and experience. Mostly a lot of practice. That is something you cannot fully teach somebody.

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I admire how you're able to get straight to the story and keep up the pace. In my writing, I have to fight description and expression to find the story, which usually turns out to be rubbish =D

I think you would benefit from writing a short story without dialogue, and perhaps minimal action. Or just pick a character or location and think of all the ways you could describe them in different states. The pace of the story, though good, would also benefit from chapters (which could be organised into Parts too). Once I've finished I'll see if I can do a quick edit and see if I can organise the chapters without breaking the pace.

I'm well past my bedtime, but I'll see if I can have it all done by end of tomorrow. Should have plenty time to make a final push and organise my notes into a legible format =]

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What I like in tutorials is when they can compell a person to think outside of the box. Try something new or completely different from what is commonplace. For instacne your Misaki, Mako, was downright stunning. I wouldn't have had the idea to make scenic water she is kicking up and then to boot add an awesome koi carp into the mix.

Stuff like that is great.

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