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My resolve seems to be crumbling on the Arena Rex Kickstarter....

It's hard to resist that one- on one hand, $17 a mini (before the retail hike) is expensive for 35mm. That's GW level pricing for single minis. On the other hand, if they hit the $75K goal, $85 will be enough for two players to play (they'll throw in the KS exclusive for free, plus 5 more figures)- about the same as a high-end boardgame these days.

Really would recommend away from Testors. Vallejo, Reaper and Citadel will get you much better results. It's a very different kind of paint.

Once I got some real miniature paints I wondered why anyone would use Testors enamels for anything besides basecoating. Some of their sprays are good. Dullcote still rocks.

Sounds interesting, Avatar Raspy is a nice model to paint.....

My 'Tina crew theme is Rasputina the Confectioner and her Popsicle Creeps. I already have grape, orange, and lime (shut up, he is not green ice) flavored Gamin, and a Bomb Pop Golem. 'Tina is going to be in a pseudo-goth black scheme, and the Silent One might match- not sure yet. I think Avatar Rasputina should either be one of the four-color bomb pops or maybe just bubble gum pink to mess with people. Lots of macho posturing doofs in tabletop, and they are oh so easy to mess with.

Seriously, if 'Tina ever had to go straight she could make a legitimate fortune by being the only popsicle/snow cone business 'Faux or Earthside. Not to mention she'd continue to infuriate December by using his powers to make dessert for people *grin*

---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

Also, as far as paints go, I like Army Painter's Warpaints, Vallejo, and Reaper Master Series. Citadel's paints are overpriced- I wouldn't buy them unless you have no alternative (some folks don't...).

Take a look at this: http://www.thewarstore.com/product71198.html

The Warpaints are great. If I ever have to start all over with buying paints, I'll start with the Army Painter Mega Paint Set and add individual colors from Reaper and Vallejo as I see fit.

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It's hard to resist that one- on one hand, $17 a mini (before the retail hike) is expensive for 35mm. That's GW level pricing for single minis. On the other hand, if they hit the $75K goal, $85 will be enough for two players to play (they'll throw in the KS exclusive for free, plus 5 more figures)- about the same as a high-end boardgame these days.

I tend to look at it as I can get a full game for under a hundred bucks, and as you say if you get one model free it will be two 'starter' forces or one 'tournament' force.

And for $17 per model they still work out to be cheap compared to some companies out there for me :)

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It's hard to resist that one- on one hand, $17 a mini (before the retail hike) is expensive for 35mm. That's GW level pricing for single minis. On the other hand, if they hit the $75K goal, $85 will be enough for two players to play (they'll throw in the KS exclusive for free, plus 5 more figures)- about the same as a high-end boardgame these days.

I think y'all know where I stand on this =]

But yeah, RRG have been clever in designing Arena Rex. Since they're going with resin models (the price of which seems more than fair) they ensured that the game not only has a low model count but also that each model has a notable impact on the game, meaning dropping $17 for one mini feels the same as buying a squad in Warmahordes (better looking too). So far we've seen four stat cards in the Spotlights, with one that only requires one Trait explained (Noxius). So where one model is able to get around Fatigue limitations, another can spend Favour to get a "free" Counter-attack while another generates Favour in combat. It currently looks simpler than Malifaux (but what isn't?), but from what I've seen Malifaux is very situational and some crews are a lot more limited than others, so you often field the same crew again and again (it's true variety is reliant on fighting a variety of opponents). In AR you can field any combination of models, meaning you can try completely different builds but still have your favourite character (and they are characters which is what sets it apart from PW for me). By using WGC's "games you can buy for $125" you can suppply two players and still have room for customisation (Ludus Magnus plus 1 Mars, 1 Jupiter and free Lupa).

For me it ticks all the boxes - great game, great minis, low no. of minis, great concept and great company. I'm willing to pay the extra buy-in fee to support it (which I can't say for any other game I will undoubtedly buy at some point - which is all of them =P).

Feels like all I've been doing lately is selling this game, but hey it helps pass the time between updates =D

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I didn't realize they were all going to be resin- with good casts and a good resin material that's only a tad on the high side. A $55 startup cost is about the same as for Malifaux. Still way better than Some Other Games™ where it's a single unit box or monster. Point taken.

I like that there are a nice variety of body types, and they are all believable with the possible exception of Tiet-Khebi (she's just a hair too thin and hourglass compared to the other females- but it could just be the pose).

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Meanwhile, Warzone's over 90K GBP. Still waffling over where to pledge.

Drake still looks cool but I don't see myself pledging much for it, if anything- maybe a dragon or hardback rulebook plus the really cool Princess Acadia mini (she could double as a hero for Kings of War).

Not pledging on Torn Armor but I'm glad they hit their goal- that should be a cool game.

Bummed that the Tudor minis from TAG will not make their goal- hoping sometime I can get the Mary and Henry VIII figs from them.

Whatever I do, I need to make this round of KS my last for a long time, barring $5 for a PDF here and there. I've bought way too much stuff already #firstworldproblems

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Heh, no kidding. I'm debating pulling back on my Drake pledge based on finances and chances to paint things...much as I love the models, I only have so much time. For now, I'm not doing anything, but I'll be giving it a close look before the end.

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Oh, I forgot...I'm tempted to get an airbrush, too. I was thinking I'd start with a single action first for easy basecoating (and priming if I get that snazzy Vallejo primer in the big bottle), then move to a nice dual-action if I want to do more.

---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ----------

Oh, and I've got all this I want to do: http://forum.manticblog.com/entry.php?1002-The-Great-Project-List-aka-The-Pile

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Star Wars was a lot of fun. My shapeshifting character has become a flat out bully to the NPCs... they answer without question to Yuuzhan Vong, and my character has had a Vong alter ego for three in-game years. So, he's been walking about making demands of everyone.

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------

How's the weekend going?

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I've been working on writing up a new character for a different system...watching The Count of Monte Cristo because of it. After this, I think I'll attack Monique with a toothbrush, see how much paint comes off. Got to play some Malifaux today, looking into a new Crew because of it... Sonnia is a lot of fun.

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------

What are you painting? and what's on TV?

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