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Hmmm I remember something like that to now that you mention it... no idea who has it... I think it's one of the Book 2 models though.. *scratches head*

It is McMournings (0) ability Master Surgeon.

Also, Hello everyone! Good to see you all again.

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Ahh I see.

Heya Spoon! No entrance this time? Had a crew failure? ;)

Yeah, the pyrotechnics guy..... is dead. And the sound guy is also dead, which is normally not a problem. However a run in with some Guild made them deader. I'm still rebuilding from that one hahaha.

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Yeah, the pyrotechnics guy..... is dead. And the sound guy is also dead, which is normally not a problem. However a run in with some Guild made them deader. I'm still rebuilding from that one hahaha.

Ahh zombie crew.... that is the problem with them, always falling to pieces on you. *snickers*

You should get a Nephilim crew, we are more expensive but we are better ;) Just be sure not to make then angry >.>

@Chocobo: Can't see the vid man :/ what was it of?

*laughs evily* biggrin.gifwink.gifangel.gif

*puts Devil Horns on Fell again* angel.gif

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*laughs evily* :D;) :angel:

Oh yeah, laugh it up hahaha. It was a revenge beating for a previous encounter. Turns out Hoffman doesn't quite appreciate 3 flesh constructs on top of him. He wen't and squealed to Lady Justice and she brought some Freikorps help with her. It was awful.

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It's of the Tick and how he got his battle cry


I love the Tick!

And Karn I would hire Nephilim however they won't stand back up if they die, and that makes me sad. I do hire one Nephilim a fair amount of the time, however he doesn't like other nephilem to much :)

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Ohhhh yeah Freikorps take down Ressers fast, especially with lady J at the lead. Rough man, rough.

*pats Spoons back sympathetically*

Thank you, it was a beating I wont soon forget hahaha.

Huh , Levi is one of the few I have yet to face off agianst

You should face him/me with him. He is most definitely a force to be reckoned with, and the picturesque gentleman the entire time.

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Huh , Levi is one of the few I have yet to face off agianst

If he tells you to turn your head and cough... run for your life. ;)

Levy is a lot of fun to play and play against I've found, he is a big of a beast to get your head around at first but he has gotten better with his V3 card. Just be ready to see your models go down fast, he can take them down incredibly quickly and reliably.

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Which nephilim is that?

That my dear friend would be the Killjoy. (an apology, I ment neverborn, not nephilim. I misspoke and did not mean to besmirch the good nephilim name Karn)

I do like Levy, However my personal favorite caster is Nicodem. Ah, I am a member of the crotchety old man club. hahaha

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That my dear friend would be the Killjoy. (an apology, I ment neverborn, not nephilim. I misspoke and did not mean to besmirch the good nephilim name Karn)

I do like Levy, However my personal favorite caster is Nicodem. Ah, I am a member of the crotchety old man club. hahaha

*nods* Misspoke did you *nods again*

But its ok, it's all good =D.... this time :vb_devil:

Killjoy is quite a beast, I think that old quote by Rathnard sums it up nicely: "As far as I am concerned, Killjoy IS a tactic"

Mmm Nico is a cool Master and I like everything about him except playing against him with Nephilim ;) It can be so hard to just finally put that crotchety old man down some times when you have to eat through a horde of zombies to get to him. Unlike some other old men who are much more curtious, *cough cough Leveticus cough* and have the manners to do half the work for you =)

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*nods* Misspoke did you *nods again*

But its ok, it's all good =D.... this time :vb_devil:

Killjoy is quite a beast, I think that old quote by Rathnard sums it up nicely: "As far as I am concerned, Killjoy IS a tactic"

Mmm Nico is a cool Master and I like everything about him except playing against him with Nephilim ;) It can be so hard to just finally put that crotchety old man down some times when you have to eat through a horde of zombies to get to him. Unlike some other old men who are much more curtious, *cough cough Leveticus cough* and have the manners to do half the work for you =)

Agreed on all counts. He is a little to eager sometimes to experience death, even going so far as to do it multiple times per squabble. I find it much better suited to stay "alive". And let everything else die a lot. :)

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that is kinda funny .

I pass by a sun glass hut when I get off the train near my local game store there is a huge window when you come up the escalator that looks into the Mall . That booth always has people shopping at it . I guess it would be better to be busy .

Tomorrow is 45 stones for the malifaux campaign , 45 ss of guild this is going to be fun . I am thinking marshal and guild guard swarm lead by lady J and Lucius .

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Wierd I feel guilty ordering never born being a guild player

Nah don't sweat it, some of my closest friends are Nephilim... but the puppets...a little creepy! ;)

GREETINGS!!! How is everyone!? I have missed you all greatly. :( xxx

Hello Princess, its been aeons since we have been on here at the same time lol!

one of the Ressurs has a spell or ability where they can force you to make a healing flip, and then they get to decide if you heal that many or take that many Wd....

I was going to say Mcmourning, but that filthy resser (no offence spoon) Spoon beat me to it!

Yeah, the pyrotechnics guy..... is dead. And the sound guy is also dead, which is normally not a problem. However a run in with some Guild made them deader. I'm still rebuilding from that one hahaha.

Oooops. May have had a little something to do with that one...a drunken night out...some of the guys thought it would be a laugh.....

#walks into the room singing 'the end of the world'#

Fell, I love you!! That is my Favourite band, and that is one of my favourite songs ever! I used to be able to sing that word for word too, but I hardly remember any of it now!

#pours a coffee, and sits and waits#

I guess the chocobo will be along soon.....

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