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That's a good start!

And be careful with sticking your tongue out at me. Your face may end up stuck like that and flies may land on it.

I thought so. I'll do the rest at my other job tonight *whistles innocently* I mean... I'll work when I'm at Sunglass Hut on a cloudy night during the off season >.<

Also... I don't think so ;):D :angel:

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I thought so. I'll do the rest at my other job tonight *whistles innocently* I mean... I'll work when I'm at Sunglass Hut on a cloudy night during the off season >.<

Also... I don't think so ;):D :angel:

*cackles* Ahhh the joys of having a boring Job, gives you time to do other projects XD

#walks in again, singing happy childhood songs his mum used to sing to him#

Blood is in the air

Everywhere I look around

Blood is in the air

On every wall and on the ground



Edited by karn987
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Well the song wasn't bad and I certainly approve of the video ;) Though it had little to do with the song lol.

Well the song is a dance cover, from a song from the eighties I think. The video does make the song better....... and they sort of had stewardess outfits (of a kind) on, for at least twenty seconds!

Fell must have been buried under all those applications!

#eyes suspicious pile of paper in the corner#

or Yazza's been around.....

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Well the song is a dance cover, from a song from the eighties I think. The video does make the song better....... and they sort of had stewardess outfits (of a kind) on, for at least twenty seconds!

Fell must have been buried under all those applications!

#eyes suspicious pile of paper in the corner#

or Yazza's been around.....

*looks down at hte pile of paper he is perched on that is vaguely in a Fell shape*

Nope... just buried... I was wondering why my feet had a paper cut on them.

*brushes away some of the paper to find Fells head*

Still alive in there? =)

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somewhat? blarg... I've filled out the applications (at least as much as I could here at school *grumbles*) now I'm working on *sounds like printing Malifaux something or other* Resumes :angel:

And of course you wouldn't be using the school resources for that , would you Fell? ;)

Glad to see you didn't suffocate under all that paper!

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I would never misappropriate school supplies *quickly shoves her 172pg novel in a drawer* :angel:

ooh you writing a book? A Malifaux one, or something else?

Looking to get it published, become a famous author and retire early, sipping cocktails on a tropical beach somewhere?


Got to aim big!

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I would never misappropriate school supplies *quickly shoves her 172pg novel in a drawer* :angel:


Ah yes... you? Never *grins and snickers, pulls out the devil horns and puts them on Fell*

But at least your done as much with the Apps as you can for now!

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what neck? :D

An author's work is very private....we share if we want to!

And don't worry Fell, I'm sure its great..Its 172 pages, can't be that bad!!

Uh huh ;) Can't fool me AB, remember? I'm in your head. @.@

*mutters about the Egg just trying to make him look bad and summons the coffee monolith*

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Uh huh ;) Can't fool me AB, remember? I'm in your head. @.@

*mutters about the Egg just trying to make him look bad and summons the coffee monolith*

Don't need to try lol, you are a nephilim after all!

Filler for my nanowrimo novel...

And which site was that for, Abs

Ah, a competition entry! And the site is long gone, can't even really remember the name either...it was something like 'silken stories' or along those lines! It was only an amateur site, not like literotica or anything like that, and I didn't get paid. And I don't think I could enter any of them in a competition...unless there is an explicit category! they were a little descriptive, not your average Mills & Boon!!

Think rated R movies in story format! ;)

Still have them on a disc somewhere too.....

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Filler for my nanowrimo novel...

And which site was that for, Abs

Ohhh your doing the nanowrimo? Awesome =)

One of my LGS owners often takes part in that, I love to see what comes out of them.

Is there a repository of them some where you can see what was written for the month? I express my ignorance to a lot of the rules and stuff about it, but I do love the concept. Just wish I had the time/focus to write a full novel XD

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