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To asnwer your previous question. I think I'd like to do something like what Beasts of War are doing - providing the latest news and opinions of the industry, producing hobby content like tutorials, reviews, fluff and rules, while maintaining and developing a platform for people to come together. However, BoW doesn't really address the key goal of bringing companies and consumers closer together and bringing a united industry into the lives of future gamers. Even so, I think I could see myself working with them and pi$$ing off all the companies sponsoring them =P

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Completely off the topic (Ha! See what I did there? Eh? Okay, so it wasn't that funny...)

For anyone who reads OOTS, a friend and I totally called what it looks like is happening in today's update. Belkar is predicted that he'll breathe his last breath ever by the end of the year...

And it looks like he's being turned into an Undead!

That issue of ticking people off is why one of my possible career paths with this degree, apologetics, is not going to happen, lol. My dad and I give myself less than fifteen minutes before I call someone an idiot in a fiery debate on particular topics... >.>

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Order of the Stick.

Honestly, it's not normally a problem. I really do my best to give anyone I talk to who agrees or disagrees with me the respect that they deserve. Discussing things with you was a lot of fun, and I'd gladly be up for it again.

But with someone who is incredibly hostile towards any position not their own, say Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, I have a hard time not getting annoyed at the least. If a person has no respect for anything their opponent has to say, and has no honest interest in considering the merits of a different viewpoint, I get frustrated. It's more an issue of there is enough potential that it might happen that it might not be a good plan to go down that career path...

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Ha, everytime we touch on the topic of religion I go off and start looking stuff up even though my own mind is made up on the matter.

Maybe I should become a tabletop gaming apologist, the extremist type that shoves paint brushes and resin miniatures down peoples' throats and proclaims that I have saved them from sinful procrastination.

@Mako: I have friends who are firmly atheist, active christians and apparently buddhist (still not sure on that one). Though where I come from the thing that causes the most heated debates is Scottish independance... yeesh! =D

Edited by ThePandaDirector
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Ahh, Richard Dawkins. A friend of mine is very firmly atheist, watched a few minutes of Dawkins 'debating' on TV, switched it off, and muttered very darkly "doesn't matter how right you are or aren't, doesn't give you the right to act like a $!#~"

Exactly! It makes it incredibly difficult to listen to his arguments when his attitude is screaming so much louder...

Heh, that'd be a nice switch...I keep running into extremist apologists for the other side, honestly. (of the tabletop debate)

Woo! Making progress, yes we're making progress...lol (on the paper)

Good Lord, too many simultaneous conversations/thought processes.

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Progress is good, I've done nothing so far tonight. And I really want to see a militant miniature painter now!

I sat here, picked up a file, put it down, picked up Kaeris, put her down, discovered I had no food in the kitchen, came back, picked up Kaeris and the file, sat there staring at both, put them down, then gave up and went to subway. So my entire evening has been occupied with walking two blocks to subway!

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I talk to far too many of you Brits... I keep screwing up the spelling for American English... behaviour instead of behavior. Which is fine, except that I'll get marked down for spelling it wrong with the British spelling!

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 PM ----------

Progress is good, I've done nothing so far tonight. And I really want to see a militant miniature painter now!

I sat here, picked up a file, put it down, picked up Kaeris, put her down, discovered I had no food in the kitchen, came back, picked up Kaeris and the file, sat there staring at both, put them down, then gave up and went to subway. So my entire evening has been occupied with walking two blocks to subway!


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I lived in Edinburgh for two years not that long ago (im an Aussie) and for the first few months I honestly couldn't understand them. The Glaswiegians were the worst.

And I thought that people kept thinking my name was Ken..

Can understand them just fine after a while though. Actually miss Scotland so much. Second best country on Earth...

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Yeah. I'm not sure of any other way to do things though. It's a compare/contrast paper of one method of counseling with...well, basically everything else. :P I focused on the two they mentioned, but even then, the articles they directed me to are hardly comprehensive. And now I'm on a part of the paper that doesn't have anything to compare to! Oh well, almost done, thank God... almost done, lol.

---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

Ha! Done! (headdesk) Four hours to write a six and a half page paper...not too bad, I have to say.

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