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Well, I may have found the source of the damp - the bathroom extractor fan isn't working. So that might be a simple fix, or a very pricey one. The missing email apparently has some points that needed raising, but as yet I haven't got a new copy through so I have no idea what it will be, or what it will cost me...

Stupid email recently, everything from my letting agent suddenly stopped coming to my inbox and ended up in junk mail or just not appearing! Bright side, the tenant is staying on for another 12 months it seems. So I'll at least have rent being paid in, stemming the bleeding from my bank account somewhat!

Adult life is so boring, it's all bills, repairs and problems! And sitting in the office singing SPG with the workmate I converted to the cause lol

---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

I see there's a new update Ed, that mean you got some spare time between work things?

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That's good, that way I get both the novel and the side novel to read! Heh.

Bills do suck, and they just mount don't they. Always at bad times too, like when TtB is about to end. Was so much simpler when I was a kid and didn't have a job, a mortgage and live on the other side of the world! Still, at least my car has gone, which seems to be the one that likes to go wrong for you recently!

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Ah true, but we both know things rarely end up the length you expected! I thought I'd have finished Nomad in 50k, but that didn't happen! Although my tendency to add in extra plot lines might have been the cause of that lol.

Cars suck. They're very handy when they're working, but they never seem to work for that long...

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They might have been partying all week for all I know. I've not been about and they tend to get up to all sorts of things then.

~Passes along the message about the feathers being bland and they arrange more colourful ones on Hazel~

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

~points to the giant music box with the 50' Mannequin~

See what I mean...

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Has ABs habit of crossdressing rubbed off on other members of this thread?

~looks down~

Oh my giddy aunt! When did i start wearing dresses in here?!

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Well, since you were last here we installed a Ale Monolith, that giant music box and who knows what else. New years is a bit of a blur, but I think I might have kissed Zoraida at New years, I just hope it was her avatar form...

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Hi there Mister Monkey. how are you? *curtseys* would you like a cola cube?

---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:35 PM ----------

Lol lonely, how is the big z? I think I may install a cocktail monolith. this place seems to be lacking the feminine touch. *claps her hands and in dances a cocktail monolith* omg where has my throne gone?? has chocobo hidden it??

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