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Well, still got the two large models, a 40mm Paladin and the 54mm Monique De Noir, or the Death Korps Commissar, or I've got a couple other things I picked up to paint, like the Sherlock Holmes, Kingpin of London. Whatever I do, it'll be something just for fun, not for gaming, that way I can take my time with it. Thought of a new color scheme for the Paladin that could be neat, do her armor out in a forest green, with some vine freehand on the armor.

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Spike of fringe?

Yeah, they're both beautiful sculpts, unfortunately I've managed to lose the scabbard on both of them...going to spend some time looking for those.

That green color scheme is becoming more and more appealing the more I think about it... I think a camo green might be a good color to go with. What color should the vines be?

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That wild wisp of hair at the front of her head, it's not really clear what angle it goes at in the photo so it looks a bit random!

If you go for camo green, then maybe a deep forest green, perhaps even with a bright saturated green in the centre of the vines?

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I'm good. Working on final assignments for school right now. Getting into the crucifixion for one class and the end times for another, such chipper material! lol. Really fascinating stuff, though.

Yeah, the green vines sound like a good idea. Hadn't thought of doing them in a darker color. What do you mean by a saturated green, Mako?

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Something pretty vivid rather than a pastel shade. Thinking about it, camo green is a mid-saturation mid-tone colour, so an intense dark green with a core of a pastel green would work, or a more greyish dark green with a more intense pale green. Just gives you some extra contrast in there as well as the brightness.

Wow, that's cheerful stuff for just before Christmas they've got you doing!

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This may sound silly, but could you give me some color swatches of examples? I'm still not sure I'm following you...color theory is something I'm pretty weak in, lol.

Honestly, it's not so bad. Right after the crucifixion is jumping into the resurrection, which is always a cheerful topic, and so is some of the stuff with end times theology. Christian perspective of 'end times' is very much a 'the end is only the beginning' bit.

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Oh, that could work really well! (yay for GW's conversion chart...) Might have to mess with the final shade of both, but it could definitely work out. I wonder if I have those paints with me...pretty sure I have camo green cause I was using it for the rail crew, but I doubt I have catachan with me.

How was your weekend, Monkey? You said you were working on recovering from it...?

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