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Well, there's some non malifaux stuff I could do with working on a bit, trying some different stuff with it so its hard to get motivated while its in the early looks-like-pants stage.

But the sculpting is the big one, that's taking up a lot of time. Not that I mind that, but it is a massive time sink that means nothing else gets done!

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How did he start that good in dark heresy? !? My usual starting equipment is a broom.

We joined a year-old campaign and were leveled up to match. Scum and apparently even high-born assassins with plasma pistols can't compete with Sisters of Battle and psykers at high levels. Probably should've mentioned that.

I think DH is the wrong system for us, at least for now. I used to play fighters in old-school AD&D because it meant less time spent on fretting over abilities and more time spent making my character an individual. I'd probably have to run something new, and I suspect most of what I'd want to try would be "something new." Did I mention I have maybe 4 crappy game sessions under my belt as a DM?

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I've refrained from getting into Infinity. Played a demo and conceptually it's great. I am scattered among too many games as it is and I don't need one more. Doesn't help that I wanted to base my team around Dog Soldiers from Ariadna, who are probably the most expensive models other than TAGs.

It is a good time to be a gamer.

Indeed it is. Sort of a renaissance. Too bad the GW fanboys (the nutbars who refuse to try anything else) are missing out on the best stuff...

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Indeed it is. Sort of a renaissance. Too bad the GW fanboys (the nutbars who refuse to try anything else) are missing out on the best stuff...

Preach it! It's a shame to be a Gw'er right now, with my store full of the old guard... 30 something's too old to notice their game is fading, and the newer younger guys player Super Dungeon Explore, Warmachine, Malifaux, Infinity, Dust... After all these years I can't say I haven't been happier to be anti GW.

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But you dont DO high level Dark Heresy! That game should have an introduction like this:

"The sky became alight with fire as you and your (number of other players) hobo companions look up into the night sky. Clutching your bean can tightly a star drops from the sky itself and thunders towards your bridgehome. Crashing through makeshift shanties and ferrocrete with equal ease the soup kitchen sized wonder rumbles to a halt before you. Light begins to pour from a seam opening in the strange device and a well dressed man steps forth from it and speaks directly to you:

"Aw $$$$$$$$e, my retinue died in the crash.... uh, you 4! Come with me to fight a demon or I'll shoot you for heresy. Just grab whatever and get moving."

You clutch your broom handle with lantern tightly. Your adventure begins here.

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Hey folks, how goes?

And high level anything seems to break most RPGs, that I've found. I know for a few games in the Beta, I'm gonna have people start at 'level' max-5, (or equivalent, if there isn't a leveling system) just to try out the high level stuff and see how things work. I kept seeing in discussions on the SWSE forum I hung out on that people pretty much played 1-12 or so, and so very little playtesting was put into some of the truly high level stuff.

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It's not that bad......is it?

Ah well. The puppet made bunker is progressing nicely, though! Oh, one second, update from the foreman. (puppet wanders off with a hardhat and blueprints) Uh oh. Wait, why did you make this puppet sized?! It was supposed to be for the rest of us!

...that could be a problem...

So, how're you, Mako?

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Ah, I thought they might have scale issues. I told the puppet research department to work on a shrinking device. If they made one that worked it would be dangerous, but I don't really expect them to manage to do anything but blow a very large hole in the bunker, which then makes it our size!

I'm not too bad, tolerating work just about. Boring though and I'm tired of the childish arrogant way people here act.

I just cant be bothered to read pages and pages of Wyrd abuse and thinly veiled accusations about their behaviour, it's safer to stay in here til it all goes away lol

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A chaingun, Finn, Seige and Sloan. Plus Gorman and Reinholdt as mercs.

Just glued the models together (and my fingers, I need new glue seriously) just got a little greenstuff work to do ..... But I really should get back to my Relics stuff.

Nice! Wait. Sloan? The sniper chick? She always looked fun, even though her pose is ridiculous...

---------- Post added at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 PM ----------

It's not my fault, I merely told them I hope the reapers would come and destroy them all and now they want to kill me

...(facepalm) Dude. Never tempt the ponies. It ends horribly, every time.

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Noe Chocobo how many times do we have to tell you, wishing reapers would come take people is no way to make friends....

---------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 AM ----------

Yeah its Sloan that needs the greenstuff as I cut off her arm so the rifle could rest more naturally on her shoulder....

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