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Off Topic Playground

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Rapid. Or seemed to be anyway.

Finished painting the torakage and most of Misaki. Put some green stuff on Yamaziko and one of the archers that had a gap in their stupid head wear.

Had a couple of games of Malifaux including an epic struggle of mediocre-ness in the form of Sonnia and Ramos trying to flip tomes. Poor book 1 masters.

Played some more Rome Total War. Maybe that's where my weekend gotten eaten up.

Get up to much?

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Star Wars RPG session on Friday that was long and absolutely crazy, but a ton of fun, and a board game night Saturday. Sunday was sleep and schoolwork, lol.

I need to get some green stuff onto the Old Lady...that gap in her cloak is going to drive me nuts eventually.

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*the sounds of creaking metal get gradually louder and suddenly the door blows open, revealing the hulking shape of Herbie. He squeezes himself through the door, dust and dirt caking his armour. Black follows him in the room, his duster jacket sporting a film of sand and grime....*

We're back!

Put the Bacon on...

God, the badlands are a killer this time of year..

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