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Indeed. I just finished ME3, actually, and have to say that I was pretty satisfied with the end. Bittersweet, but it fit. Have some quibbles with it, of course, and I had the extended cut, but still, it worked well. And I'm really looking forward to the next Dragon Age, it's interesting to see the same team working on two very different methods of storytelling. ME following a single character, whereas DA seems to be more focusing on turning points in a story larger than the characters.

Just finished that yesterday as well, but that was just to see if the leviathan DLC changed the ending in any way

I dunno, I liked Merill, personally. Then again, she was one of...two characters I liked out of that grouping, lol. The other being Varric. Playing the original made me really miss that cast of characters, I liked most of them. I'm playing a dual weapon Rogue and running around with Leliana, Morrigan and Alistair, it's hilarious whenever they chat, and so far it's working pretty well.

I really liked her too, but there were few i didn't like from that game

---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

No, they really don't...granted, I'm just not a fan of being a tank. I'm a tactician more than a strategist, rogue or mage is far more my calling, where I can pay attention to threats.

But yeah, my DA:II rogue was broken as hell, lol.

I only play mage

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Third is decent out of six, I guess. I felt a bit like Obi-Wan at the end of Episode IV, considering I introduced place 1, 2, 4, 6, and our Henchman to the game :-P

I need to take pics of the Bomb Pop Ice Golem- I'm curious as to what good painters think. It's good knowing that the judge of the painting portion immediately got what he was supposed to be: http://www.bombpop.com/treats/bomb_pops

...Playing the original made me really miss that cast of characters, I liked most of them. I'm playing a dual weapon Rogue and running around with Leliana, Morrigan and Alistair, it's hilarious whenever they chat, and so far it's working pretty well.

That grouping is pretty funny. Wynne can be amusing- talking about alcohol with (I forget the Dwarf's name) or bantering about sex with Alistair.

Never played DA2. Didn't strike my fancy as much since I'd be playing the same guy every time (class/ability paths aside) instead of making my own.

It's funny, I can't play a cartoon level bad guy in sandbox games. I have no problem offing bandits or monsters or if I'm tasked with killing someone that the game world would be better off without, but I can't bring myself to be one of those people that goes around murdering everyone. Just seems kinda dumb.

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Never played DA2. Didn't strike my fancy as much since I'd be playing the same guy every time (class/ability paths aside) instead of making my own.

It's funny, I can't play a cartoon level bad guy in sandbox games. I have no problem offing bandits or monsters or if I'm tasked with killing someone that the game world would be better off without, but I can't bring myself to be one of those people that goes around murdering everyone. Just seems kinda dumb.

Honestly, that's a Load of crap, why does how another person plays a single player game effect your enjoyment, answer it doesn't

Yes DA 2 has less options in it than DA, but that's still more than most games

The main difference between DA and DA2 is high fantasy adventure, with the protagonist so 2D, it makes makes cloud emotional

DA2 is much hasn't really got a story and it's great for it, it feels like D&D the game

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Wow, struck a nerve, did I?

Look, I don't get the appeal of running around like a serial killer in a game, offing people just because they are there. Makes no sense to me. If you like being a psychopath in-game, more power to ya. It just doesn't strike me as much fun.

Sorry, I've been feeling odd lately and get angry quickly for no real reason

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It's okay. I was a bit concerned for a second, though. The puppets got a bit too quiet for my-

*an explosion is heard from the back*

What the- my cider monolith is leaking...and little tiny round footprints...

Tell me, folks, do you fancy a liquor made of stuffing and straw? :lucifer:

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The last night? Oh, curse you sir. I have three more days at work...

I just can't quite get to grips with how to run it best, I know where I need Cerah and Jared to go, and then where to end up, but the wolves and Kasz are a mystery. And I haven't worked out a way to do the exposition without it feeling like blatant exposition!

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I've let myself fall into the trap of editing before I write haven't I... Again!

Definitely worth just going for it, I have a faint idea but I'll just write exposition with the couple of plot points I have in it, and see how it falls together. You never know, I might get lucky!

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...distracted apparently. Man, I'm gone for a night and the thread goes silent. How's it going, Steam?

---------- Post added at 04:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 AM ----------

You know, I think today's Girl Genius is the first time I've found Othar to just be entertaining instead of annoying...

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