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I went to Southern California once, in 2001, and I loved it... with zero humidity, you don't sweat (basically...) and even though it's 103 out, you don't really mind 'cause you don't feel grosss...

but once the sun set... and the temp hit 40-50 (because you're in a desert...)... ... ... *shivers*

And once you return to the Humid east... I think the day after we got back it was 80 or 85 in Maine... my sister and I were wrapped in the warmest clothes/blankets we could find...

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I went to Southern California once, in 2001, and I loved it... with zero humidity, you don't sweat (basically...) and even though it's 103 out, you don't really mind 'cause you don't feel grosss...

but once the sun set... and the temp hit 40-50 (because you're in a desert...)... ... ... *shivers*

And once you return to the Humid east... I think the day after we got back it was 80 or 85 in Maine... my sister and I were wrapped in the warmest clothes/blankets we could find...

Wow... that sounds awesome. Crazy about the lower temp at night lol, gotta love how that works huh? Melt during the day and freeze right back up in the evening. Also don't you love how your body adapts to temps like that XD atleast you got back when it was 80/85 at home and not like.. 20 heh.

I've never been to California and sadly Florida can have some wicked Humidity. I may have to take a trip out to California some time...

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never been to Florida... no interest... hmmm... hold on... *pulls out map of US*

I have been to: Maine (duh), New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, New York, California, and Washington... I've been into airports in Arizona and Ohio... and I think I've driven through West Virginia....

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never been to Florida... no interest... hmmm... hold on... *pulls out map of US*

I have been to: Maine (duh), New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, New York, California, and Washington... I've been into airports in Arizona and Ohio... and I think I've driven through West Virginia....

Hmm that's a good bit of the Country, 13/50 states isn't bad.

Let's see... I've been to Mass, Florida, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virgina.

I've driven through Delaware, Maryland, Vergina.

Haven't been out to West Coast yet, but I'd like to go see it.

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Washington is AWESOME!!! I'd live there if I could afford to move :)

*takes hat off, pulls it down over Karn's head and Shoulders* I'm not a hat girl ;) *musses her short blonde hair to give it some volume*

Washington state? I admit I don't know much about it lol but I've read it has really nice landscapes and such. I actually really like Ma lol. I like the vibe of the state and the general temperature, plus the fall is awesome here.

*Blinks deep inside the hate before wiggling out of it* Ahhh fine then, looks better off you with that kind of hair ;)

*Tosses the hat away*

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Sorry! Been trying to be around and post for like the last twenty minutes, but computer decided that it needed a time-out and a reboot. Weird...

LOBO!!!! *hauls on a mechanical arm* come fix the air blower... thingy in my lab!!

But but but....I was just gonna make some cool lightning over here in the corner....inside the house....where it might destroy things....MWA HA HA HA

Oooh, whoops. Did I let that last little bit slip out? How do I let them know because of the soulstone mining process, I have no inner monologue? I hope I didn't just say that all out loud just now.

But yeah, we like storms. Actually grew up in Florida (funny you guys were talking about it), which is the "lightning capital of the world". So, used to big storms. I actually had a hard time sleeping here in Ohio last night though because of the wind. Karn, if you're getting any of the storms we've had the last 3-4 days....ugh...be careful!

Let's see....states...Yeah, probably not terribly fair since my family liked to travel. I've actually spent time in...

Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennesee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virgina, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts.

So that's 33/50

Driven through Idaho, Arkansas, and Kansas, but I don't think we stopped there at all.

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Sorry! Been trying to be around and post for like the last twenty minutes, but computer decided that it needed a time-out and a reboot. Weird...

But but but....I was just gonna make some cool lightning over here in the corner....inside the house....where it might destroy things....MWA HA HA HA

Oooh, whoops. Did I let that last little bit slip out? How do I let them know because of the soulstone mining process, I have no inner monologue? I hope I didn't just say that all out loud just now.

But yeah, we like storms. Actually grew up in Florida (funny you guys were talking about it), which is the "lightning capital of the world". So, used to big storms. I actually had a hard time sleeping here in Ohio last night though because of the wind. Karn, if you're getting any of the storms we've had the last 3-4 days....ugh...be careful!

Let's see....states...Yeah, probably not terribly fair since my family liked to travel. I've actually spent time in...

Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennesee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virgina, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts.

So that's 33/50

Driven through Idaho, Arkansas, and Kansas, but I don't think we stopped there at all.

Yeah this is the same storm system that went through ohio and is heading up the East Cost all the way up to Fell later in the evening. It's supposed to be a doozy but we will see how much of it hits me. Just hoping the ride home tonight from work won't be to bad, I hate driving in pooring rain... 35 miles on the highway and 35 miles of people driving 40mph because of the rain -_-

*whistles* that is a lot of states Lobo, you've been all over! Your taint has traveled to almost 75% of the states!

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we will have "passiong thunderstorms"... we don't even have storm watches in maine, let alone warnings right now... we do have some flood watches/warnings though....

Im surprised your only getting passing storms, guess they are either missing you or finally pittering out.

Ohhh Flood = bad. I hate when we get flooding >< My town has lots of marshes running through it so bad rain/melting snow can cause a huge mess. Since we are right near Lowell we still have some old Mills with all those water ways going around them... always fun when they flood to. Blah.

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okay... I have someone who is texting me (it's all good I get free incoming everything)... she says she's my cousin Jennifer Spory... Only I don't know that name... and I don't know the number... She's in NY... according to backwards look up... *rolls eyes* don't people have better things to do than harass people?

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off for a bit. Ta for now ;)

Cya Fell! *gives you a cup of tea for the road*

okay... I have someone who is texting me (it's all good I get free incoming everything)... she says she's my cousin Jennifer Spory... Only I don't know that name... and I don't know the number... She's in NY... according to backwards look up... *rolls eyes* don't people have better things to do than harass people?

Ahh don't you love that kind of junk? :/

Probably just some jerk with to much time on their hands or it's one of the scammers that are out and about. My bet is a scammer *nods*

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LOL that's weird.

As for flooding....holy crap yeah. Our ground here in Ohio does not hold water AT ALL so we've had like crazy crazy crazy flooding for the last 10 days. Been joking about white-water rafting in the creek that runs through our neighborhood. ;)

They said on the radio yesterday morning that we've had the highest rainfall in Ohio in one month EVER, since they've been recording it. So, like since the early 1900s. Something like over 13" of rain this month. And that was Wednesday morning before we had MORE rain yesterday and last night!

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LOL that's weird.

As for flooding....holy crap yeah. Our ground here in Ohio does not hold water AT ALL so we've had like crazy crazy crazy flooding for the last 10 days. Been joking about white-water rafting in the creek that runs through our neighborhood. ;)

They said on the radio yesterday morning that we've had the highest rainfall in Ohio in one month EVER, since they've been recording it. So, like since the early 1900s. Something like over 13" of rain this month. And that was Wednesday morning before we had MORE rain yesterday and last night!

Woah that is a lot of water...

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