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SPent today doing last minute cleaning in preparation for my wife getting back from Europe and recovering from running a tournament yesterday.

I was needed as a ringer and boy I wish I had my pair of Wardens complete, they would have changed things a lot (made some tight games a lot easier). I have to say though the surprise model of the event for me goes to the Hunter, he kept pulling his weight and above in the gaes I used him, Ryle is feeling like dea weight at the moment and he has such a target on his head.

Only have to finish off one archer and one torakage and my 10T are ready for paint!

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SPent today doing last minute cleaning in preparation for my wife getting back from Europe and recovering from running a tournament yesterday.

I was needed as a ringer and boy I wish I had my pair of Wardens complete, they would have changed things a lot (made some tight games a lot easier). I have to say though the surprise model of the event for me goes to the Hunter, he kept pulling his weight and above in the gaes I used him, Ryle is feeling like dea weight at the moment and he has such a target on his head.

Only have to finish off one archer and one torakage and my 10T are ready for paint!

Yeah I was kinda glad that you didn't have those warden up and running :P

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Quite a few I think, the RSVP thread for it is five pages long! But it is a massive city, so it's easier to organise group stuff. The space involved round your way is probably a bit more I imagine!

Reading is good, especially when it keeps you busy during downtime. More prep work for an essay?

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Prepping for an essay and a quiz. The essay is only 300 words, so not too bad.

I dunno, Erie's got at least a hundred thousand...just not a lot of writers in the area, I guess. That, and Erie doesn't have an area specific organizer, so that doesn't help. All set to get started on the 1st? Are you aiming for the traditional 1,667 a day, or +/-?

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Yeah, it wasn't a whole lot of fun. On the upside, I have readers who are local this year and unafraid to yell at me if I don't finish the story! I'll be jumping back into it soon, just need to finish this homework first...I've got a scene started, developing out Arias and Kiiva some more, and then some ideas on another Faulkner scene.

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

You going to be sending out updates of your novel to anyone? I want to know what the hell happens!

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The good- I managed to win 2nd place at a Hordes of the Things tournament despite only having played two games before. Technically I got 3rd but the TO got 2nd. Got a nice bag o' evil 15mm creatures from Essex. I have to take back many of the bad things I said about the game- it's actually pretty good. The bad things about the writing, however, I will not retract. All I have to say is, find some experienced players and ask for a demo- failing a HotT demo, a DBA demo will give you an idea.

The bad- between the other players' lack of availability and my trying to keep my own schedule from exploding, I apparently got booted from the playtest. Sent an email asking to stay on even if...well, I can't go further, but let's just say I want to continue to contribute, even if it's not as much as some other folks.

The ugly- Had to take my girlfriend to the hospital tonight. Apparently a cyst that needs to be removed, thankfully benign and she's dealt with this before, so it should be routine.

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Not bad. Work is okay, the textbook reading is becoming surprisingly difficult to stay on task. Oh well, almost done with it. After that, a couple quizzes and an essay, and the first week's assignments are done. :)

And I know what you mean about not needing the car trouble...that's been my family the past month. Going to be expensive to fix it?

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