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I actually use a detail brush to do my drybrushing, which helps keep things smoother. Granted, it screws up the brush, but oh well. That brush hasn't been in good shape for a while. That, and I did the wash after doing the drybrushing, which also helps!

Glad that the photos came out well, I can start tweaking now that I have something I can work with.

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Don't get paint in the ferrule, clean it with soap after you finish and rinse it clean then bring it to a point on some towel, and don't ever get superglue on it (yes, I did. Once. But on a very pricey sable brush...)

---------- Post added at 02:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 AM ----------

Blast! Third attempt at a gremlin hand, it looked good, and I had to remove it because there was no way it should be the same piece as the body! It needs to be on the troffin piece instead...

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Hehe, I'm a cheap bugger, I use imperial leather hand soap... But brush cleaner is better.

And Snord, Jakob is warming up for a throw down soon! Mr Snuggles is nearly prepped, and the others are now out since I'm too tired to sculpt more tonight.

Actually, I also realised that the orange to purple fade on the cards is like the most gorgeous colour fade I think I've ever seen. Lynch, Tannen and Graves' cards are just so pretty because of it!

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Ah, Mr Snuggles is my hungering darkness. He just looks like such a happy little cuddly guy!

Moving is, without doubt, the worst thing I've ever chosen to do several times over. You get deprived of everything you do to stay relaxed, and then chucked into a whole array of stressful situations!

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Lol! He has so many nicks, I should have figured.. :) during playtest everyone called him Hungry Hippo...

In my opinion, his crew's mechanic and fluff is one of the most inspired in the new book... But I ain't surrounding to neverborn just yet.. I mean, there are some 5 or 6 crews I can still buy before running out of options and having to buy neverborn... :)

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Yah, I traitored over pretty fast when I saw him and heard the fiction of a gambler trapped between two masters and trying to save his own ass...

He is really hungry hippo, I just felt mine was special and cute enough to deserve an extra nickname! Although when I finish with him, he won't be with any luck.

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While you're out there, can you pick up a bottle of Yamazaki 12 yr whiskey? Heh.

Blasted LCBO only carried it for a few months the other year, now if I want it I have to buy a case. Which is a dozen bottles I think, and quite pricey!

Ah well, I shall be forced to go to the whiskey shop and have some fun finding a new favourite...

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I know, it's a tough and deprived life I'm forced to lead out here in the desolate wilderness of downtown Toronto!

I think I just managed to send my muse into shock by starting the newest project. It didn't seem so ridiculous on paper, but in reality it's rather a different ball game...

What's everyone been up to?

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Woo! Three games of Malifaux today! Sadly, no demos...my people didn't show up who was I going to demo for. But still! Three games with Mei Fang. Learned that she can really outstrip the rest of her crew, especially in 20 points with few options. Also, the Rail Workers are amazing...very versatile, hit very hard.

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What the building the giant Lucius project?

My weekend has been crazy....

He's not giant, he's just... Well ok, he's giant. It was hard to see how huge until I assembled the leg and torso frame.

Why crazy?

And that's pretty sweet Ed, you worked out some of her clever tricks then now?

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Yeah. Need to hunt down that Ratty cheat sheet though, would make things easier to keep track of! Biggest thing I noticed is a tendency to go so aggressive in the hopes of decapitating a crew, and then having it fail by one or two wounds. I dropped McMourning 10 wounds and Von Schill 4 wounds (would've been six) without the Red Joker, only to see McMourning heal up and Von Schill run away with the Treasure!

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Ahh, foiled at the last second! Mind you, actually taking out Von Moustache would be a fairly epic feat. How does the combo thing work then, is it each activation or do they carry over from one to the next?

And I'm guessing at 35 stones the embarking or something could deliver the coup de grace?

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I wish I'd bought her as well as Jakob now! A whole slew of triggers sounds like good fun. And possibly very stressful for your opponent as you relentlessly batter his models...

---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

Ah, wedding stuff. I get the impression that when you attach that word to any activity, it immediately gets ten times more complicated and at least ten times less fun.

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I wonder how chaotic having Lynch v Mei would be? Shenanigans for everyone! Pretty much shout go and then see who's left after the dust clears. Which would be hilarious!

Hmm, do I upload my quill entry yet or not. It's a direct link to my breach runners, although I think that anyone who hasn't suffered through that story will find this one a bit pointless. Still, I wrote it to fluff out the backstory so I can't exactly complain at that I guess!

And zippy is coming along nicely, I've managed to do his coat tails, torso and shoulders in one go so he's basically in need of a baking before his head goes on. Bungle is still just a rough pair of blobby legs though.

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