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Back in a bit!

Keep looking after Fell Karn, I'm holding you personally responsible for the wellbeing of M'lady!!

Enjoy Lunch AB! Whats for eats?

Don't worry, I'll take good care of Fell *Pats her shoulder and is a good pillow, gives her some more tea*

Lol, sonic references ago go!!

I was thinking more of the Beatles..I am the walrus!

I am the eggman goo goo ke-choo!!


I love that song to be perfectly honest, not a huge fan of I Am The Walrus though.

l no early bed for me... have to work until 9pm... hopefully I'll be able to take a real nap from like 230-430... :\

*nods* Hope so, should hopefully do you some good.

Well 9pm isn't to bad at least... just pass out once you get home =)

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*starts to drift off to the screams of terror* oo... I want to sleep so badly right now :(

# watches carnage from afar. Gently keeps nudging Fell to keep her awake #

Not yet M'lady, but soon.....soon ;)

Maybe a walk would help? Get the muscles moving, pumping oxygen around the body, should wake you up a bit....

well for a few minutes at least! ;)

Then i guess you have to keep repeating the cycle...

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*starts to drift off to the screams of terror* oo... I want to sleep so badly right now :(

*Pets your head gently*

You can stay awake Fell, here, have some more Tea

*Gives you another cup*

Get up and walk around a bit if you need to, I know you don't feel like moving but it will help you stay awake at least.

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unfortunately I can't really get up and walk around... I have to make sure the students are behaving.. I have 4 kids in the lab, and can't leave them in here unattended... blarg...

It doesn't help that it's raining out up here...

Well you could always walk around the room a bit. Just sorta walk around and loom up behind them making them think they are doing something wrong =D

Yeah it's raining down here with some wicked heavy fog. Couldn't see more then 100' in front of me on the highway in this morning, just one of those ick days.

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unfortunately I can't really get up and walk around... I have to make sure the students are behaving.. I have 4 kids in the lab, and can't leave them in here unattended... blarg...

It doesn't help that it's raining out up here...

Your day seems to be going from bad to worse!

Hopefully you can get through it and sleep all night.

Are you able to have one headphone in and listen to music? Or is that not a good example to set the kids? ;)

Or tell them to go home.

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Well you could always walk around the room a bit. Just sorta walk around and loom up behind them making them think they are doing something wrong =D

Yeah it's raining down here with some wicked heavy fog. Couldn't see more then 100' in front of me on the highway in this morning, just one of those ick days.

heh, I guess i shouldn't tell you its sunny again here....for the eighth day running!!

I shall try and transpose some across to your window Fell, and to your cubicle KArn, though I'm not very good. You might end up with baby pigeons or something!

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oh dear god no! I managed to banish this from memory until now...

Damn you KArn! #waves fist#

I like that song XD

headphones are a no... *yawns* so tired... gonna go water down my tea...

You'll make it through the day Fell, just keep telling yourself that and try to find something to distract you for a while. =)

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heh, I guess i shouldn't tell you its sunny again here....for the eighth day running!!

I shall try and transpose some across to your window Fell, and to your cubicle KArn, though I'm not very good. You might end up with baby pigeons or something!

*Shakes fist at you and blinks as a pigeon falls into his cube*

Ummm.... need more practice with that AB XD

*Transpositions it back to where it belongs*

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headphones are a no... *yawns* so tired... gonna go water down my tea...

Steer clear of dairy too! This makes you more gunky....and if you have a cold, thats a big bummer!

I guess unfortunately you are a bit limited as to what you can do. But looming behind kids sounds like a fun game. How to freak with their minds!

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my tea is crap... there is apparently no hot water in the taps on my end of the building... I am trying to study for my test (which is on Saturday)... but being sick makes me have a teflon brain... lame...

Oh because it is a School and someone could burn themself on the hot water I guess... I remember that from High School.. the water could at best get luke warm.

There is no Teachers Lounge you can get some from?

Ohhh that sucks :/

But Im sure you will do well Fell! Don't push yourself to hard now and burn out, rest your brain if you need to.

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I like that song XD

You'll make it through the day Fell, just keep telling yourself that and try to find something to distract you for a while. =)

Two points. Firstly at KArn: You are sick, my friend, sick.

And @ Fell: maybe flick elastic bands at the kids and then act all innocent?

my tea is crap... there is apparently no hot water in the taps on my end of the building... I am trying to study for my test (which is on Saturday)... but being sick makes me have a teflon brain... lame...

Oh i know that feeling, studying whilst ill is impossible. i have a teflon brain at the best of times.

Whats the test on, if i might ask?

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the water was from the teachers' lounge... *rolls eyes*

Sorry I'm being so whiny... I really hate bein' sick... 'specially when the cold meds aren't helping... *shakes fist* damn you dayquil!

*pats and pulls you back down to lay*

Its ok, your entitled to be whiny when your sick Fell :)

Hmmm try Tylonnel Cold Daytime if you get the chance, that stuff generally works wonders for me where dayquil doesn't seem to do much.

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