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Sounds like things are rolling along nice there Path!

I think for the sake of everyone's sanity (and public decency too) we should avoid debating about my hidden desires too much, even if it is only hairdressing!

I've spent three hours today figuring out how to get the scales right on those blasted snakes. Which means today's achievements consist of getting a cellphone, and doing two rows of scales on one tiny snake. Not my most productive day!

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Ahh, specials. Geting my first this time i hope.

The box of generic model doom? Aha, that's where I've been clever. The only things being shipped are a few McVey studio pieces, and my Malifaux stuff. The giant pile of other crap is in a box a long way away and therefore I have decided it doesn't exist!

And gencon will give us all something else in the pile it looks like...

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Ahh, big armies. The bane of slow painters like me. Ancients is even worse than GW stuff for numbers isn't it?

I kind of wish I'd bought the nightmare justice box, but it wold probsbly never have seen paint! Now nightmare choppy, there's a beast I'm sad I missed. But I joined the party way too late and can't afford one now. Still, I have my ultra rare Jaakuna, and soonish my even rarer Green Justice. Can't really complain when I can make stuff myself...

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Yeah ... about the same number of models in ancients as there are in a large fantasy army, but typically the sculpts are a lot less busy so easier to paint.

I am a sucker for limited edition models so I tend to snap them up even if I dont know what to do with them (ask the wet nurse who is still in the mailing box in the cupboard)

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I wish I had been able to get a NE Chompy myself, sadly they were out of my budget when they came back to Black Friday last year, though I did manage to pick u pa Gremlinette and the Puppet Teddies. I have the NE Lady J and it's a nice set, mine's still in the box though as I'm to scrred I'll mess it up wjhen I try to paint it (but I did paint NE Teddy for my Dreamer crew).

Monkey, I'm the ame for Ltd Ed models I snap themup even if I do not have a sue for them at that time, but if it's anice model and can afford it, I will get it. Heck I'm making a point of getting all of the Guildof Harmony steampunk minis just because I love the sculpts, I still have to get the Jekyll one, but I will after Gencon. CMON have a few I got my eye on right now as well, plus I see mto have gone mad for colelcting female vampire minis and CMON have just got a coupl of new ones in stock.

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Heh, I used to do that but it started to take up far too much space. And the size of the pile of unpainted stuff was making me paint slower. After a nice big clear out (keeping the really rare or nice stuff of course), it seems much more manageable.

I don't really go for the not painting it until I can do it good enough thing, if I did that I'd never paint anything! And I'm used to chucking things in paint stripper a few years later and redoing them with new skills...

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Don't get me wrong, I am a fairly competent painted (I should be after nearly 3 decades of painting minis), but some things I do stress about. I just wish I could have afforded to buy 2 of the Dead Justice sets, then I would happily have painted 1 up. I recently ipcked up a couple of cheap geisha minis (I will later touch them up with some gore and glazes to turn them in to zombies for something else) off Ebay to test paint some things before painting up McVey's Azumi mini, I've been putting off painting that one for far to long. After that it's getting more Malifaux painted since I got more models form ABs to bulk out my Showgirls and Witch Hunters.

I do tend to buy to paint or play with, but sometimes it is nice to have something packed away in relatively mint condition in case you need to sell it some day and in the UK prepainted minis are not that sought after.

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That's true, a spare copy always makes it easier. I have one of the original Ar-Fienel McVey models, now that does unnerve me a little. It's so tiny and fragile looking, and impossible to find now!

Then again I have far too much McVey stuff given that I've not painted any of them yet! I think I'll try to get light and dark done for salute 2013, since I'll be flying into Langdon on the Friday night anyway.

And it seems all my chores and duties for the day are done, so now it's 12pm and I have a whole afternoon to prod putty about my desk. Happy times.

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I have been a little lasy lately with painting, I must get some more done soon, it's startingto pile up again, lol. Then aganb, I also have models that I've owned for nearly a year that I am yet to open, let alone paint. I blame the Dragon Age games, they distracted me from things that needed doing, lol.

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Dragon age, the bane of many painters!

Why is it that I was struggling to want to paint just before I left England, and now I'm here with no brushes paints or models, I really really want to? Seems a bit unfair.

On the other hand, I have just found out that sculpting 6mm models is hilarious fun. Seriously, it's been a long time since I found myself grinning like an idiot while sculpting, just because of the fun I was having. Usually it's relaxing and calming, but this is just comedy from start to finish! Especially when you stop staring so close, and put it down. There's just a tiny blob on the top of a pin vice and you realise that the detail you were trying to get in is barely even visible!

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LOL! I know what you mean about sculpting 6mm, I used to do some and in the end worked out I had to simplify my aproach so much as most of the effort was wasted on something so small. These 12 months though I have been really enjoying my painting, but I think it;s because there has been a great variation in the models. Well, except last Decemeber when I painted 4 tanks, 20 Grey Knights and some 70 Guard for 40k, lol.

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:Paralyzed_Puppet: any one of those would have finished me off, let alone all three!

Variation is good for making things fun. That's probably why I have so many projects going at once. If I didn't, the sheer number of 6mm bits I have on the list to sculpt would probably make me jab myself with the dental spike I use. Im already beginning to get eye ache from staring so much!

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Here's the real clinker, I had to paint allof thsoe 40k models in less than 3 weeks for a bit Xmas game myself and 11 others were playing, lol. I was likea machine when it came to painting that month, also managed to ge ta couple of Malifaux crews and some other odds and ends painted to.

Now ifonly I could manage to assemble more models so I'll have more things to paintm, all those boxes are piling up, hahaha.

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Ugh, assembly. Cleaning and prepping is the worst part of the whole thing in my eyes. Takes ages and doesn't look like you've done anything when you finish!

If I could figure out how guys like you paint so fast and not stop because you're bored after two or three models, I'd be happy. Seriously, 5 seishin were a trial for me. One day I shall find your secrets, then I shall claim victory over the grey mountain! Muahahahahahahahahaa...

Speaking of finishing, I now have a tiny little rifleman ready to bake in the oven. And eye ache. And for the record, Fimo tastes foul, despite being child friendly and non toxic.

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Hey everyone, how goes?

Yeah, batch painting is a pain in the butt for me, I got 10 of my Thousand Sons painted completely and the detail work just started to drive me nuts...so, I'm gonna work on 10 models from something else. Odds are the Death Korps cause they just showed up. It's weird/annoying working on them, because I'm painting them for trenches, so even though I want to improve my painting and get better with blending, this isn't the army to do it because washes over a base coat will get the colors I want better...

What's the rifleman for, Mako?

And I need to get some stuff answered for the quill, but don't have a lot of time to do it right now. Too much other stuff to do at the moment...

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The lure of new stuff is always strong, so the death korps is probably a winner there.

You keeping busy with your new found energy then?

The rifleman is for a long project, I started writing a fictional world back in April when I was out of work, and it's slowly ended up as a game - i have a very early draft rule set, a bunch of unit stats for half of one or two nations, and now the start of a model. Although he's only one of several crew mounted on a dragon, so it's not like I'm even close to finishing one unit yet! Still, keeps me amused...

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Eh, sorta. I'm becoming an event coordinator for non tournament events at the shop on a once-every-few-months basis along with my henchmen duties, got the first event planned and figured out as a food drive in October.

Working on the Death Korps won't be too bad, honestly. If this does end up the color scheme, it'll be quick, which is nice. Need to finish picking out the colors and figure out a way to do wood that won't be too intensive and won't blend into the others. Ah well. Long term project still, because I don't have most of the models, and I also don't have an army list to figure out if I can get some things or not!

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