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Cynicism is one of those things that can be fixed with a liberal application of hammers, right?

Sounds good about the conference though, and maye you'll be able to get the cynics to stop being so difficult with your new skills!

First week is going ok, not done much actual work, but almost finished getting basic life arranged. And been out to get a piece of kit that may let me upload decent photos, which will be handy. Won't to find a cellphone, which was what got me soaked. Seems the shop isn't there any more, which was a bit annoying. But no matter, I got to amble around a bit and see stuff.

I'm beginning to doubt I'll get near a game of Malifaux in the near future, given the comment my boss made about the task he's given me. Never mind any other games, and since DzC is my friend's baby, I really should get some of that bought and painted...

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Ah club cynicism got to love it.

Learnt anything that might help with a cat that has decided your sole purpose of existing is to pay attention to him .... this is not helping my painting schedule

---------- Post added at 07:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 AM ----------

Sorry the gaming future looks bleak Mako...

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Ah, it's not really any worse than it was in Leeds, I never played then either! And I don't mind, I'm way more of a painter and sculptor. I'm all excited about my painting plans for Dark Debts, that makes up for anything! But still debating getting misaki's box for just for the totem to paint. Was thinking of Doing a flame painting guide. But since it's two more months til I'll have paints, if that's out before November I won't get it at gencon.

Also, I now have an umbrella. And since I went and bought one, it's stopped raining. Which leads me to believe that I am the rain king *grin*

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My friend and I are going in on EBO, and we're debating on the Bones project because $100 gets over 100 minis including an exclusive of their mascot. A huge dungeon's worth of fantasy figs for less than a buck each is hard to resist...and they've got 15 days to go.

The Bones one looks good, though half the models in it aren't available until Spring 2013.

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I can wait :) I've only gotten half my of the Kings of War stuff, and some of the coolest (like the Dwarf Cavalry) won't hit until sometime in 2013.

For anyone with kids wanting to try painting, I think Bones are a great first choice- no primer, very tough to break as they are softer but more durable than FFG plastics in their boardgames.

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Nice, I wish I could paint. I have a weekend of nothing but peace and quiet, and maybe a food shopping trip. And all I have are my sculpting tools, and a now tongueless gorgon bust (a little accident with the tip, so I removed it and will make a new one near the end...).

Seems I may be sculpting this weekend.

I suspect a cage may be useful for you. You can either put the animal/person stopping you from painting in it, or if there's too many, get in yourself and hide in it!

What are you painting?

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He is a big lad, probably best to do what he wants! What colour you thinking?

Is it bad I've just filed a piece of 0.8 mm wire into a scale pressing tool for my many many snakes? Nt that I can do anything to them tonight, I'm using bits of green stuff to help the fimo stick, so got to wait for it to dry.

Yeah, I've sort of cheated by moving in with a few other people, so i can just tag along and learn where shops are and what's good/cheap/whatever. Has made my life easy so far! Well, easier. Still not made things simple though, international relocations suck. What's worse is I know it should be easier going back, but what's the betting it won't be!

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Ah, I hate it when you try to replicate things that are lost to memory. I started typing everything out but I'm so distract able I forget to do that at times too! That's one of the things I enjoy about writing guides, I can go back and see exactly how I did something. I also tend to take a sheet of white paper and paint little squares of every colour and mix I use on it, and label them with where they went in what order. Fairly anal, I know, but it men I can usually copy any paint schemes when I add in new models.

Will be good to see him painted, you don't see that many avatars which is a shame, a lot of them are awesome painters pieces.

The tool is pretty simple, just straight brass wire filed so it gives a teardrop shaped flat end. Means I can press every scale the same size and get them to lie right, with them looking like they overlap. Still means hours of poking each snake, but at least the results will be a little quicker! Also making a press mould of the first snake head, so I can copy that dozens of times easily. Laziness is sometimes best!

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Ed, how was the day? You missed the excitement earlier. Not in here, in the wilds of the main forum.

Other than that, I got more things sorted out, fixed myself up for decent photos of sculpting, and got rained on a lot, until I bought an umbrella and it stopped raining to spite me...

You having fun?

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What happened? o.O

I'm doing good! Burning through a lot of hyper energy, lol. The conference ended on an amazing note, and I'm definitely looking forward to working through the three books I picked up. Now, winding down while watching Castle with the mum.

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:/ I'm sorry to see that...I've a lot of respect for that guy, always have. Sad to see him getting banned.

I've got Avatar Seamus, Avatar Rasputina and Avatar Kirai. But yeah, it is curious that Seamus and Ramos are about the only consistent Avatars you see. I'm hoping that the new stuff gives them more options so we'll see more Avatars. From the sound of it, the Riflemen have a lot of Guildies interested in running Avatar Lady J.

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It is odd, although there are more gamers than painters on here i reckon, so the less competitive ones probably get left by the wayside a little. I guess people just don't pick them up, which sucks as they've got so much opportunity for painting to look amazing. But I might be biased, I get stuff to paint it not to rock gaming tables with it *wink*

Yeah, it was a real temper control fail moment. Ah well, I guess such things can happen. But it was a touch saddening to see rage aimed at anything and anyone.

Those riflemen look epic in the art, and the rules seem good fun. Although I think Tannen has the funniest fluff in my eyes at the moment. A walking luck ender in little round glasses. Awesome. I may have to add him in just for that. Although will he kill my luck in painting contests...?

Full of energy, eh? Does this mean you'll be livening things up here too? It's funny how motivation can suddenly surge though, something makes your head go click and the next thing you know everything seems easier and more awesome.

---------- Post added at 03:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 AM ----------

Haha, awesome. Just found the Comedity cartoon where the muse whacks him with the inspiration hammer. That girl is epic. Imaginary, but epic!

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Heya Ed, things are pretty good thanks. Mate of mine is nearly done building my new pc, quite the beastie for £380, would cost twice that if I'd ordered it from a company, lol. Well excited to get it, he's just wanting on the processor to arrive now. Gotta love people that run companies that custom build pc's and are willing to do them at mates rates ;)

Also loving my new painkillers since they actually work! lol.

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Yeah, she's a lot like my muse... And yeah, Tannen looks interesting, that's for sure. I'm not sure about how I could channel this into anything on the forum. If I think of anything, I'll let you know! I'm working on figuring a couple charity raffles and events for later this year.

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@Ed: well, the place could do with some new curtains, and possibly a window or two that isn't broken. Maybe some nice carpet too...

I think I may have achieved a whole new level of bored. I just found myself looking up ways and styles for braiding hair. I have short hair, and I'm single (a fact unlikely to change anytime soon), so what the hell was I doing looking at that?!

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Thanks all!

It's nice to be able to move without being in screaming agony, means I might get some gaming done in the near future. Also, it seems a guy near me is interestedin trying Malifaux so I'm trying to arrange a demo game for him. Even though the game has a extremely low buy in price I'll be supplying the models for it and finding a suitable venue (most likely a gaming store about 14 miles from where I live since I get to go up there from time to time).

I'm just hoping he likes the game, would be nice to have someone else playing it in my area :)

Mako, you sure you don't have some deeply hidden desires you're not aware off? lol.

The Riflemen do look nice, but it's the Oiran that have me far more excited, more Girls for my crew! Now I need to find Pirate and Sci-Fi equivalents to add them to those Showgirl variant crews I am working on, heheheh.

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