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~random showgirl places a "do not disturb" sign on Dust, then spontaneously bursts into flame~

It's okay, she was one of the red shirts.

I didn't want anyone to burst into flames...I could've used a new subject.

So much for the Necro-Gynoid...advancing my research and making a lot of coin from Seamus to boot...

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I didn't want anyone to burst into flames...I could've used a new subject.

So much for the Necro-Gynoid...advancing my research and making a lot of coin from Seamus to boot...

It doesn't matter any way she's Soulless, doesn't leave a corpse

*gets slapped again by #123*

Forget she doesn't like it when you bring it up

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Evening folks! Or actually, afternoon. Since I have successfully made it to the land of maple syrup. There's probably other stuff they do, but really that's the only important one, right?

Also, what lunatic made it this hot and humid?

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Hey Ed!

Nope, #123 has got a little high strung after all those cloning processes. I see it as a design flaw, Ramos doesn't care, Colette sees it as a improvement. Who's to say who's right?

I think she calm down a bit

*Get slapped again*

Getting beat up the red shirt is a new low

*gets slapped again*

Well at least she pretty

*Gets slapped on the rear*

I can't win can I

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It was dull. And got diverted to Montreal to refuel so we could go round the storm that was over Toronto. Joyous really.

I can't take the sun, I'm British! I'll burn to a cinder! Also, what time is it? Because it feels like breakfast, dinner and bedtime.

How's everyone else?

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I'm good! Tracking down a phone number for an academic advisor so I can sign up for my fall courses. You wouldn't think it would be so difficult, but you'd be wrong...lol. After that, I think I'll be going for some writing or painting. Probably writing, lol.

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I'm pretty good. Got registered for fall classes, looking forward to them, honestly. Working right now on getting the next few scenes for the novel laid out, and having the fun experience of figuring out how to write someone screwing up horribly tactically...

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