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Off Topic Playground

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How are you doing, Dustcrusher? Making progress on your painting?

Got sidetracked by assembling Kings of War Undead. It's going to be interesting mixing 10 KoW skeleton spearmen, 9 GW skeleton spearmen (the old, huge ones), and one more KoW guy coming out of the ground.

Somehow I had 19 GW skellies left after other projects, and I wanted to make 10 of them archers (even though undead archers are pretty bad in KoW).

The 15mm guys are also calling to me, especially since my friend's gnomes are starting to come along. I want to give Mighty Armies and Pride of Lions a whirl.

I'm also in the middle of writing my first column for another site.

~ruins in and hits everyone over the head witha frying pan~

Sory, the girls have now taken control of me too!!!!

Happy belated birthday, even if your girls dented the metal plate in my head with that pan...

Nope, noticed on the Henchman thread you needed two actual starter boxes done so I had to do some painting ..... still over the weekend I finished two guild hounds, drill sarge, Ryle, Lady J and Molly ..... or would of finished if I had not run out of varnish....

This is one thing that kinda sucks for me. I didn't really want Johan or Bishop so I built my Viks crew with Miss Demeanor, Taelor, and a pack of Ronin...so I have to paint a different crew instead for the Henchman app.

Tried to show my friend how to play Malifaux on Saturday. Long story short, a couple of people made our day unpleasant and I'm considering temporarily playing at another store for a while. It's OK though, after one of them drove my friend out of the store with his snide, jerky remarks, I took over the game and, since I was in an all-or-nothing situation, I gave him an excellent demonstration on how triggers work with Lord Chompy Bits *evil* Shared Contain Power...I win.

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Mmmm, cake.

It seems I now kind of need to decide whether to share a place with a couple of grad students, or get a place on my own (if either is still available by wednesday!). Company, or quiet...?

Still, improvement on no plans at all! And I'm now starting to feel a touch tense about moving. It's that 'have I got everything I need, or will I find out at customs I left something important behind' feeling.

How's everyone else?

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I'm exhausted. Woke up far too early, and only managed to catch an hour of sleep in a nap. Trying to work myself up to do some writing, but I don't think I'll manage it because of how tired I am. Maybe I can work out a plot outline to work on tomorrow... (yawn)

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