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Ah, okay. Right now, my focus is cardio, but I do want to work in some weights at some point. Mainly after I can run for more than ten seconds without falling over twitching...

Actually, I'm not in that bad of shape. Not in very good shape, but not miserable. Just overly round. :P

---------- Post added at 05:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 AM ----------

So, what's on the reading plate this weekend?

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Hopefully finish Cryptonomicon. Continue with the Riryia books and that Janny Wurts Mistwraith one (not liking it yet).

I've just ordered the last Gears of War, Karen Traviss book and a couple of Black Library omnibuses that were in a sale. Plenty to read at least.

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I think I'm going to get in trouble with the wife... I've been good and cleaning the house for these past couple of weeks which has stopped me painting anything and then last night I installed Dungeon and Dragons Online...

I think time or sleep is going to disappear!

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Yeah...MMOs are good for killing time. Which is why I'm considering killing my TOR account. Love the game, but I just don't have the time, and I'm predicting having less time for it in the future for a variety of reasons... Good luck with the wife aggro.

---------- Post added at 05:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 AM ----------

Honestly, the clone trooper books were the best ones that I think she wrote. Too bad Lucasarts kept her from finishing the series...

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Hello Everybody!

Never really been bitten by the MMO bug, tried WOW for a while but would normally play for a weekend then leave it for a month or more and when I got back to wanting to play it would take hours to download all the patches so I would not bother :)

My 40k rules should be turning up today so might take some time out of gluing my fingers to warlords dacian models to look through that.

Two more weeks till my new gaming club kicks off too ... so exciting

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I'm good! Almost done with this stupid homework assignment...got in my learning game of the new 40k edition, and while there's some stuff I didn't get to mess with, I enjoyed it. Malifaux is still my preferred game, but at least I now have a reason to paint and play with all those Chaos models I own...And, oddly enough, my 1500 point list seems to be workable, in spite of never playing at anything less than 2k before.

Congrats again on the Iron Quill! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for any future ones. You should take advantage of the customized rank thing and use those bragging rights you earned. *wink* Got any plans for the rest of the day?

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Ah yeah, heard good things about new 40k. Shame I sold off nearly all my GW stuff when I has my last clearout. And I'm not buying back into it just before moving!

Its too late to achieve anything dramatic with the day, so I figure I'll just relax, prod a death marshal or two with a file, maybe root through the box of fabric I found and see if there's anything suitable for some manly sewing :Combat_Puppet:

You know, important stuff! Oh, and there's a bottle of plum infused sake sat just n front of me...

And I might just indulge in a little custom title bragging, at least until I lose my top place next round!

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