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~Continues to relax in my comfy chair sipping the Goglin that is Hob~

Ah, this days keeps on getting better, not 30 minutes ago I won a t-shirt in the current Wychwood competition :)

I need more Hobgoblin to get codes to win more stuff!!!!

Also, Chocobo... um... nice to see you come out... yeah...

~Watches the girls hurry off and come back with a cart of Hobgoblin bottles, open, drink 'em all and pile all the bottle caps up for me~

I got 'em well trained.

~notices them dying Ed's hair about 10 different colours~

Unless they're drunk...

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~Takes a short break from drinking Wychwood's finest to see what Chocobo's on about~

That's nice, but stop writing on the floor, that'sa permanent marker.

~Switches the pen in Chocobo's mouth for a stick of chalk~

I must remember to pay the Girls extra allowance this week.

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Well, there ya go.

So, Path, any optimism toward the new 40k edition? Personally, I'm really interested to see the Allies rules...I've got my Renegade Militia, and it might be really interesting to build out my Thousand Sons list I was writing and bring the Militia along and have it be tourney legal.

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So far I like some of the confirmed rules changes, vehicles getting hull points and not suffering destroyed weapon systems sounds interesting, as does the flamers setting fire to cover (heheh). They also mentioned that vehicles can shoot when stunned (but need a 6 to hit), flyers are only ever hit on a 6 (expect AA mounts to change that like in Apoc), umm... Snipers that hit on a 6 choose what models they hit, etc.

not keen on the classes of psychic powers, random assault ranges and removal of casualties from shooting though.

Either way for good and bad it looks like some large changes to the rules to keep it fresh.

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Yeah. I like most of what I've heard. The removal of casualties does have the potential to be annoying, but at least it does make sense. And the random assault ranges is going to be interesting, that's for sure. The psychic powers...I'm waiting to see what they are. I just don't want the unit killer spells from WHFB.

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There is also the rumour that nearby enemy units get to shoot at units that deep strike, not happy if that is true since it is a severe cuddle for Nids 4 best units right now :(

Removing models from the front (squad leaders and HQ get a look out sir Argh! save) also majorly cuddles Nids and also hurts Orks quite badly as well.

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This may have been asked before, but is it called 40k because that's how many dollars you need to buy in? ;)

To quote a certain alien with a disposition towards consuming felines, "Ha!"

Oddly enough, I love writing code. I know this means there's clearly something wrong with me. :)

I hate it. I liked the abstract aspects of the comp sci I took in college, but coding sucked. My prof wouldn't let us use C++ so I had to try (and fail) to write basic routines like random number generators. Cue flipping a table and switching majors.

The Kings of War Kickstarter got absolutely freaking insane. I don't know if I will ever get all of it painted once it's all produced.

Now my friend and I have to hash out who gets the new Human Celestials when they arrive next year :-P

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I hate it. I liked the abstract aspects of the comp sci I took in college, but coding sucked. My prof wouldn't let us use C++ so I had to try (and fail) to write basic routines like random number generators. Cue flipping a table and switching majors.

hah. Yeah, I've seen that happen before. Actually, the really funny thing was observing the composition of the crowd at the various SQL training events I've attended. A fair chunk of the attendees are DBAs who are running screaming into the land of code, and another fair chunk are developers who are running screaming into the land of DBAs. :)

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Evening all, how's life? I'm sat in a flat that now has nothing in it but some basic furniture and a Hoover. It's not looking like a fun week for me...

Although I do have a plan. Now all I need is a picture of puppet pokey vik from the back as well as the front *wink*

But don't worry, it's not quite as creepy as it sounds!

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I'm good! Just got the grade on my first college research paper...got a 99! Quite happy with that, especially since I expected to get dinged on using blogs for a good amount of my research.

Working on a short story that has a deadline to it while I've got the time. After that, back to the novel...been a lot of months since I've worked on it and it has me sad. I miss those characters...

---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------

Also trying to figure out classes for the fall. I've got two that seem interesting, just need another two.

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I wasn't expecting it either. (shrug) I'm betting that my professor was being nice since this is usually the first class people take at the school.

---------- Post added at 04:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 AM ----------

Did you get the chance to read any of the Iron Quill entries?

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