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Phew, finally managed to drag myself (forceably) away from the Dragon Age games thanks to the distraction of Lollipop Chainsaw (it's fun, but not worth the retail price so wait if you plan to get it) and also managed to assemble some more Amazons... I swear I'm getting slower at assembling models. Oh, I also managed to get another miniature painted so I'm happy there. 1 model painted for my Warmaster army, just another 70 or so to go, lol!

~Notices that my Girls have painted the thread pink my my absence~

Don't worry, I'll be having words with them about that, it will be back to normal by Wednesday ;)

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He just comes to visit for a month each year. Trust me when I say a month is way too long. I could possibly manage a week. I think next year I'll have to put my foot down and limit him to a fortnight maximum.

---------- Post added at 11:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

Right, bored of work. Time to listed to that Aethervox episode.

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Morning all! What's this normal sleep thing you keep talking about? Between too much to do and paint fumes, I don't think I've slept right for months!

A month? That's harsh. I'm about to move to my parents place for a few weeks while I wait for my visa to appear, and I reckon I'll manage abut three days. Maybe a week.

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I can barely manage a week with my family these days. I love 'em but I can't live with them anymore. Too used to my freedom, I guess.

I'd suggest a week. Maybe offer to put him up in a nearby hotel for any additional time. One thing that's nice about my place being in the state it's in- it discourages overly long visits from relatives *wink*

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~Comes in and inspects the redecorating that is underway~

Very good, it should be done by dawn, I'll get them to work overnight, and I'll also tell them to get ladders so they can also paint the top half of the thread. Haven't they heard of ladders when it comes to reaching high places?

~Looks closer at the top half of the thread~

Hmm... If I'm to guess it looks like they've been launching each other into the air and splashing the brush against the walls as they fly by... also, is that a blood stain? I hope that one wasn't hurt to badly...

~Notices shallow grave in the corner marked with the name "#31: Matilda; you shoulda seen that landing!"~

Oh dear.

---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

On a lighter note, got a friend coming down tomorrow for a couple of days for booze, bonfire and general hilarity. It's gonna be fun!

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Ooo New paintjob looks nice :)

Been an interesting time an old club I was affiliated with seems to be going to pot, on the plus side a few of us are looking to start our own club closer to home .... I may of found a home for Malifaux in my city then, may be time to look into henchman stuff...

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been in and out just not posting much ..... :) only thing really holding me back from henchman up till now was the lack of venue with this issue looking solved it looks like it will be go ....

---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

good to see your Iron Quill event seems to be going off ....

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Yeah, I'm quite surprised at how well received it's been. The quality of the stories has impressed me, and I'm quite proud of our amateur writers (or professional...not sure if we have any published authors in there). Unfortunately, college has rather aptly killed any ambitions I might have entertained of joining in. Ah well, on the other hand, I've noticed the muse lurking around lately and popping in little ideas for my novel, and that's never something to complain about!

And seriously, being a henchman is a lot of fun. Wyrd takes care of its own, y'know?

---------- Post added at 04:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 AM ----------

I'm guessing the move went well?

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Ugh, after reading a few threads I am starting to think it's good that I'm getting into Kings of War soon. I think I need to get back to basics on my tabletop gaming for a bit.

Just over 2 hours until I get out of here for a while and go on vacation. Sick of waiting...

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Knackered. Turns out the cooker in my flat wasn't fitted right, so when I've gone to replace it I've had to get the whole wall connection altered so I can have the new one put in properly. And then there's packing, and cleaning, and paperwork...

Why oh why can't I have a job that lasts for more than a couple of years?!

Other than that though, not too bad!

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Shoulder is in full spasm right now, would normally be in bed when it's like this but it's hurting to much when i lay down so need to wait for it to recover a bit. Should be mostly mended by morning though :)

Got my pre-prder in for 40k 6th edition. Not saying where I'm getting it (notallowed or he can lose his GW sales license), but I'm only paying £27 for it, heheh.

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