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Any plans?

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

My weekend is going to be a lot of spring cleaning and getting the house ready for my brother's visit. Any spare time will be on ME3. Painting is probably now on hold for a couple of weeks.

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I'm slowly starting to get concerned about my trip to Sweden, so keep spending my time packing, reps king, checking details, and doing other pointless things!

Mid next week it'll all be over and I can start relaxing again and appearing on here more!

Anyone got good weekend plans?

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Afternoon all!

Blame being shared? I agree with ABs poll, it seems accurate to me, though I think my 3% share should instead be shifted to the Ghost of Showgirl #66 that's now haunting the thread.

Spent the last 2 days playing Batman: Arkham Asylum and it's far to easy! After playing the sequel it seems tiny and very simple, the puzzles are all no-brainers too. Still, it's fun to beat people up in it, hahahaha. Also picked up Naughty Bear and Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the heck of it since they were all cheap.

No painting done yet (oops), but my Abigale Steampunk Hunter came through in the mail, see my review in the relevant thread on here in the new section ;)

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I finished painting my 5th Belle tonight and I'm working on the 6th atm... Trying to figure out shading and highlighting pink...

Yeah, pink is a hard one to shade. I tend to add a tiny bit of red to the pink I used then water it down to a wash, then use the original pink to highlight, adding a tiny bit of white to the second highlight.

Chocobo, I have #66 Little Sister, but she;'s nothing like #66, but then she still refuses to watch all of the Hellraiser films that warped #66 in the first place :P

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Yeah, pink is a hard one to shade. I tend to add a tiny bit of red to the pink I used then water it down to a wash, then use the original pink to highlight, adding a tiny bit of white to the second highlight.

Chocobo, I have #66 Little Sister, but she;'s nothing like #66, but then she still refuses to watch all of the Hellraiser films that warped #66 in the first place :P

Ya, but they can both be Cheerleaders, I some more as well

*Looks for other Showgirls to turn into showgirls*

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Best pick up those GW paints while you still can, they're deleting and replacing them all this weekend!

Chocobo, awesome vid man, I was laughing my head off! Also, you need Cheerleaders or Harley Quinns/ Cheerleader models are easy to find and if you're lucky you'll still find the old Harley Quinn models they came out ages ago. I forget who made them, but it was in the late 90s and they pop up on Ebay from time to time and sell quite cheaply :)

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------


Try their Grid Iron range, we all know you want a Bunny Girl team ;)

They also do cheerleaders.

I like the Wicked Elf Camera Crew myself :)

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Also check out Impact Miniatures ElfBall range, loads of cheerleaders there too :)

However, I cannot wait for this one to come out:


I also have a grand range of GW paints, from the original Citadel Colour pots in the 1980s up to the present range. I really hate the current range of pots though, they don't stay open like they are meant to :(

Edited by LonelyPath
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Still better than the previous generation. The ones with the black lids. Those never stayed open. I'm currently swearing at my white one as Operation Undercoat draws to a close. Just avatar Justice left to do.

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------


Every miniature is now undercoated. Now to find time to paint them all.

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Steam, I never had a problem with the black lid paints, they always stayed open for me, but the white ones are also supposed to stay open, but never do, many are missing the clip that is meant to sit inside the hinge :(

I finished my Lady J crew last night, yay me!

---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

Next up is Pandora and co.

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I'm still focusing on TOR myself...working on wrapping up the Bounty Hunter, and then gonna jump into finishing my Sorceress.

What'd you think of the ending, Steam? I haven't played it through yet, but I've heard little but rage over the ending. Current rumors have the first DLC for ME3 being a modification to the ending, lol

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It just reminds me why the internet is full of fools (aka people with different taste from mine).

The ending was amazing. I felt emotionally drained at the end of it. Best ending to a game (or damn near any other media) I can remember.

Like you I'd been aware of people being upset at the ending but I'd avoided all spoilers to know why they didn't like it.

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