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It means more space for toys :-) I already have a planned trip to Ikea sorted out for a new painting table. Currently to one I have is only 1 metre wide and has to fit my paint rack PC monitor and xbox on it so space is limited. I can now get myself a 2 metre table :D

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*grabs coffee, cranks up bacon sarnie machine*

Sounds good Munkey, glad things are starting to fall into place again...did you sort that insurance thing satisfactorily?

Morning Steam, hows things in the north? Finally back to the welsh stereotype of wind, torrential rain and greyness today....its strangely kind of comforting.

And there are some 'obnoxious' posters on these forums..I read in the Tier thread an offhand comment a US poster made about british women being fugly. Thankfully others picked him up on it, you can't just say those things, I know we go close to the wire in here with some of our comments...but I hope we never stoop to that....our comments are made in jest to people who know we are joking.

Thread is now locked..thank god for that.

Rant over!

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Still waiting on it, but it is looking more favourable than it was last week which is good.

That sounds good..fingers crossed! Just started claiming mis-sold PPi on my loans...and its not just jumping on the bandwagon..I took out the loans and was made to feel like the PPI was a condition of taking out the loan. I have since removed it from them but feel i should make a claim, even if nothing comes of it..its the principal.

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------

*takes a stack of bacon sarnies from the machine and places them in a 'keep-warm' for when Steam returns*

He'll want these, I'll bet!

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You know that thread will reappear in a couple of weeks. They always do.

Still windy up here but otherwise the weather isn't sure what it's doing. Blue sky and rain at the same time.

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

Good planning with the bacon.

#Grabs a couple#

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I'm all for healthy discussion but these threads always devolve into name calling and can get downright nasty at times.

I understand people feel strongly about certain things, fair enough, but I don't think sometimes people realise that when something is written on the internet it can be read in many ways, even if the original comment was made in jest.

Sarcasm, humour etc does not always come across well on forums, and I think thats where a lot of the problems lie..one person misinterprets the poster and then flame wars begin...

thats kinda why i stay in here most of the time..that, and i haven't a clue what people are on about half the time!

And WHERE is Chocobo? Don't think hes been on since Valentines day...

---------- Post added at 10:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------

On the plus side, designed my Space Wolf force...comes to 1500pts..

Probably won't be buying it this month now as I can't see when I will have the time to build it...the money can stay in my paypal account for now..

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Plus the usual internet effect http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

And WHERE is Chocobo? Don't think hes been on since Valentines day...

This raises the question of what happened to him on that day.

---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

I finished assembling all your Neverborn stuff yesterday. Now I just need to find time to paint it.

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Plus the usual internet effect http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

This raises the question of what happened to him on that day.

That cartoon is SOOOOO true!

And yeah....intriguing..maybe he was whisked away by some gorgeous gamer girl?

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