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Off Topic Playground

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So Benshin texted me the lists he is bringing to his 40ss "Beginner" tournament tomorrow morning. I weep for his opponents. He is going Outcasts with Levi / Misaki 

To be fair, I'm much more experienced at using Misaki than Levi (10+ games vs 1 game). 


Currently planning out which schemes would be most effectively done by each crew by round now. Then it's back to studying my opponents.  ;)

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I'm going to practice run Levi at home tonight until I get the patterns down. I got this. :D

Take a turn, kill stuff, sacrifice to summon a waif within range of anchor and hidden in terrain, look smug, repeat

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or the Turn 0 victory deck.


It exist solely to shut people up.

One of the On the Edge players back in the day had a deck for people who bragged too much. Whammies are like zero-cost Instants in Magic. So this guy's deck was nothing but Whammies- a few to destroy game-changing Environmentals, a few to cancel other Whammies, a few to cancel Combat, and EIGHTY cards to raise the total needed to win by four points per card :D In most cases, players are earning 1-3 points per round of turns. Dropping even four of those cards suddenly raises the victory mark in a 2-player game from 24 to 40. Oh, and if you can't draw a card at the beginning of your turn, you lose.


I have a feeling Heroin maybe cheaper in the long term

And only slightly more debilitating to your health :P

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