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Not to get.... "off topic"... but between a couple of co-workers of mine, the nickname "Rocker" has another between them.

For those of you who aren't as well acknowledged in MLB, there was a baseball player named John Rocker. He played for the Atlanta Braves during his better years, and was a very good closer during his time there, back in the 90's. One day, after a game against the Mets, he said during a post-game press conference (and I'm paraphrasing, so take it for what you will, please) that "he'd never want to take the subways in NYC, because he didn't want to catch AIDS from some faggot". Since then, he obviously earned the ire of just about every baseball fan in New York.


In any case, now my co-workers joke around with the name "Rocker" as a reference to John Rocker, whenever they say anything that might even be slightly interpreted as bigoted, racist, or just ignorant in general (which is quite a lot). :P


Anyways, back to the music discussion.


I like rock songs of all kinds. That's my 2 cents. :D


That guy sucks and always has. I was thinking more like "are you a mod or a rocker?" from the late 60s in the UK. I'm taking it back.


Morning all.


I'm greatly amused that this thread is still going!


Wait...what?! Good to see you, man. I remember visiting Giga-Bites years ago and someone pointing out that you were there, but you looked like you were in the middle of a project that was annoying you in some way, so I thought it best to leave you alone. I had no cookies, either, which might have helped.


I have a grudge match against a good friend this weekend with our 40k armies which should be good for a giggle, Ultramarines versus Word Bearers 


I could never play the Word Bearers. I'd be too busy alternating between old-school hip-hop jokes and televangelist impressions, which would annoy everyone else around...

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I could never play the Word Bearers. I'd be too busy alternating between old-school hip-hop jokes and televangelist impressions, which would annoy everyone else around...

I get that, it is a beautifully painted army hopefully can get some photos of the game this time


Plus Lorgar's a punk. Bitch can't even fight his own fights 1v1. :P

There is that too

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That guy sucks and always has. I was thinking more like "are you a mod or a rocker?" from the late 60s in the UK. I'm taking it back.

After he had surgery on his arm, he was never the same, but for a few seasons he was a very effective closer. Funny side story to that, about 6 or so years ago, I read about how he was playing for a minor league team out in Long Island. Funny how his career after the majors took him to a place like NY for another stint at playing.


PS - In case anyone's wondering, New Yorkers still hate him. ;)

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Wow, looks really nasty. I'm not familiar with the newer codexes anymore, but seeing how some of these formations work, it definitely is enticing to expand.


I've always wanted to play a fluff intensive Khorne army, but when put to practice, they were never that effective (at least back in 5th edition, anyway). In light of these recent changes, I may want to collect a few models, if anything just to build and paint. Daemons always appealed to me, in how their sculpts were made.


Although the Fantasy line still has the best looking models, I've always enjoyed playing 40K more. After reading through the first 12 HH books now though, I have to say I'm more tempted to play a Thousand Sons army. Magnus was just a total badass. :D

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Wow, looks really nasty. I'm not familiar with the newer codexes anymore, but seeing how some of these formations work, it definitely is enticing to expand.


I've always wanted to play a fluff intensive Khorne army, but when put to practice, they were never that effective (at least back in 5th edition, anyway). In light of these recent changes, I may want to collect a few models, if anything just to build and paint. Daemons always appealed to me, in how their sculpts were made.


Although the Fantasy line still has the best looking models, I've always enjoyed playing 40K more.

Whenever a unit dies (his or mine) he gains a Blood Tithe Point, at 5 points he can summon 8 Letters/5 Hounds, at 6 he can summon 3 Bloodcrushers/Skull Cannon, at 7 he can summon a Free Daemon Prince with wings and armour (and keep the characters artifacts) and at 8 he can summon in a Bloodthirster. The wargear each of the lords has increases his tithe by 1 for each kill in cc. The Axe of Ruin summons a Bloodthirster when the bearer dies. I'm going to get dog piled 

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Gladius Strike Force: 1850 Points


Battle Demi Company – 945 pts

Captain – 110 pts

Power Sword, Auspex


Command Squad – 180 pts

Company Standard, Apothecary, 4x Combi Plasma

Razorback, TL Lascannon


Tactical Squad – 155 pts

Flamer, Combi Flamer



Tactical Squad – 160 pts

Meltagun, Combi Melta



Tactical Squad – 160 pts

Meltagun, Combi Melta



Attack Bike – 50 pts

Multi Melta


Devastator Squad – 130 pts

4x Missile Launcher


Battle Demi Company – 685 pts

Chaplain – 105 pts

Jump Pack


Tactical Squad – 155 pts

Flamer, Combi Flamer



Tactical Squad – 95 pts

Plasmagun, Combi Plasma



Tactical Squad – 95 pts

Plasmagun, Combi Plasma



5 Assault Marines – 85 pts

Jump Pack


Devastator Squad – 150 pts

4x Lascannon


Anti Air Defence Force – 220 pts

2 Stalkers – 150 pts

Hunter – 70 pts

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Very "shooty".  It's a nice counter to the Khorne heavy list, actually. Granted I'm not familiar with Khorne strategy now, but back in the day, this would've been the "gun line list" to take against them. 


Your 5 man Assault Squad seems a bit out of place though... Was there a specific reason you included them, or were you just looking for points to fill at that point?

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I... don't even know what that does anymore lol I gave up at 5th Edition



Everthing except the Stalkers and Hunters is objective secured so 21 Scoring Units, I can re roll 1's to hit up to 4 times a game with different doctrines. 


Very "shooty".  It's a nice counter to the Khorne heavy list, actually. Granted I'm not familiar with Khorne strategy now, but back in the day, this would've been the "gun line list" to take against them. 


Your 5 man Assault Squad seems a bit out of place though... Was there a specific reason you included them, or were you just looking for points to fill at that point?

The Assault Squad is needed for the Detachment to get the above benefits, plus I use them and the Chaplain to mop up units 

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Everthing except the Stalkers and Hunters is objective secured so 21 Scoring Units, I can re roll 1's to hit up to 4 times a game with different doctrines. 


The Assault Squad is needed for the Detachment to get the above benefits, plus I use them and the Chaplain to mop up units 

Oh ok, I just noticed you took the Chaplain with the jump pack too. I might put a power weapon on the Sgt as well, or maybe a Flamer on one of the regular Assault Marines, but that's just me. 


One of my favorite lists (and still is, actually) was the Drop Pod heavy list.  Again, haven't read the most recent codex, but if they're at all similar to what they were in 6th edition, I'm sure they're still viable choices for strategy.

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