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Test Subject: At the end of this model's Activation, it heals 1 damage.


Df Medicate Him ( :mask): After this model succeeds, the Attacker must immediately discard two cards or his Activation immediately ends. 


In the Name of Research: After this model kills an enemy model it may draw a card and then discard a card. 


Her attack is a Ml 8, 2/4/8 though with a target double move trigger, and a "cannot attack" trigger. Ranged cast is "cannot walk or charge"


Tactical action is Ca 6 / TN 14 move 4" in any direction,  :mask to immediately perform (1) 




Attack does look more like "Ml 6, target suffers 2/4/6 damage" to me though.

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@ Deluge..


Ah, Ultramarines..is that the company based on Ventris?


I haven't read those novels so don't know a lot about them.


My chapter are the Raven Guard.  Haven't even looked how well I can theme them in the new codex yet, but in terms of models I have Shrike, Jump pack Chaplain, Tac squads, Assault squads, Vanguard squad, Lots of scouts and storms, scout bikes, storm talons and a Stormraven.  I have other units too but not merged them into my Raven Guard yet.

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@ Deluge..


Ah, Ultramarines..is that the company based on Ventris?


I haven't read those novels so don't know a lot about them.


My chapter are the Raven Guard.  Haven't even looked how well I can theme them in the new codex yet, but in terms of models I have Shrike, Jump pack Chaplain, Tac squads, Assault squads, Vanguard squad, Lots of scouts and storms, scout bikes, storm talons and a Stormraven.  I have other units too but not merged them into my Raven Guard yet.

That's the one yes, I liked the books up until the Medrengard incident when 2 Marines take down the Iron Warriors homeworld within the eye of Terror with the aid of 2 imperial guardsmen and a couple of other Renegade Marines..... I lost interest at that point


I have Captain, Chaplain, Command Squad, 6 Tactical Squads, 1 assault Squad, 1 MM Attack Bike, 2 Devastator Squads, Hunter, 2 Stalkers, 3 Razorbacks and 4 Rhinos

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2 Ultramarines took out the ascended Daemon Primarch's fortress world inside the Eye?


Yeah, they seriously need to stop with those books. WTF are they thinking?!

Yeah, Company Captain and a Veteran Sergeant. It was totally believable at that point I lost all interest in reading GW novels

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I am awake because my job demands it. Also, I need to be out of the apartment by 7, and still find time to make lunch. Eating broke-food all week because Gen Con lol


At least we can comiserate over our microwave lunches. :P


And Fleece them for wages


lol, why work construction when you can be making a whopping $15/hour at McDonalds? :P *eye roll*


But have you taken it for a spin?





Ah, Ultramarines..is that the company based on Ventris?


Yeah, that's the one. The books are great too.  Graham McNeil wrote all 6 of them.  Looking forward to getting back to the Horus Heresy soon.


Good morning everyone! :D

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At least we can comiserate over our microwave lunches. :P



lol, why work construction when you can be making a whopping $15/hour at McDonalds? :P *eye roll*







Yeah, that's the one. The books are great too.  Graham McNeil wrote all 6 of them.  Looking forward to getting back to the Horus Heresy soon.


Good morning everyone! :D

At least someone got that reference

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One day you will read either the Eisenhorn trilogy, or start the Gaunt's Ghosts series. On that day you will realize the Adeptus Astartes are huge sissies because of gene-splicing, augmentation, brainwashing, and power armor.

Because Guardsmen and Inquisition have the hugest, most solid steel balls in the Imperium.

Eisenhorn was a great series

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Additional: The irony of Dirial not being here to discuss the implications of a new Guild model because he has no signal. *evil laugh*




Is it me, or is this enforcer more interesting than the Henchman? :o



One day you will read either the Eisenhorn trilogy, or start the Gaunt's Ghosts series. On that day you will realize the Adeptus Astartes are huge sissies because of gene-splicing, augmentation, brainwashing, and power armor. 


Because Guardsmen and Inquisition have the hugest, most solid steel balls in the Imperium. 

I really enjoyed reading the Path of the Renegade series (Dark Eldar books)
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Eisenhorn is the reason Inquisitor was a specialist game, and why all the 40k RPG's exist. Follows 130+ years of his decent from staunch Puritan to heretic Radical. Serious reading. 

Inquisitor was a fantastic game

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Still is. Dark Heresy is pretty much that. With better rules clarification. 

My only issue was that I lived in a small town when I was younger so was pretty much limited to playing whatever was around at the time, mainly 40k. At the time I had to use my Chaos Dwarfs as Squats just to play a game with my models, it was a sad time. Thankfully now I have a few LGC that I can attend so the game variety is a little more interesting.

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My issue is the opposite. I have all the time and models, no LGC that has Malifaux. Sure, there's a place in Brooklyn, but that's taking a train across a river to take another train across a different river. In this heat? Nope.

I have a grudge match against a good friend this weekend with our 40k armies which should be good for a giggle, Ultramarines versus Word Bearers 

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