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Morning everyone! How's everyone doing? My night turned out to be hella productive! Finished the 3 Void Wretches, the Nothing Beast, 3 Ronin, and primed Sonnia's crew. Tonight, I finish Lazarus!


Happy Birthday, Vic! :D


I decided that instead of getting the dark carnevale I'd be better of getting two crew boxes I actually want to play. :P


My sentiments as well... As much as I'd like to have this as a novelty, my money is better spent elsewhere.

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Oh, right...Gencon orders this weekend. I missed Bones 3, so I can put some of that towards my Gencon Wyrd order instead. I stayed up late last night getting the Kings of War unit cards done so that the Mantic Pathfinder can run his demos in style :D


Finally saw the Wayward Pines finale. Everything was fine until the last five minutes or so, then the patented M. Night Twist™ ruined it. I even spoiled the ending of the books it was based on for myself just to see if it was the author's idea or not...it wasn't, at least not entirely.  It's bad enough when a show has an awesome first season or two then goes downhill, but that happens a lot. Wayward Pines' first five episodes were outstanding, the sixth through eighth good, the ninth was decent, as was the tenth prior to the ending. If you decide to watch it, when you see two of the key characters on a computer screen in the last episode, stop. It's a lot more satisfying that way.


Doctor's appointment was not at all surprising- might have sinus allergies and I'm probably having another extended depressive streak. I still think that's partially because I don't have any huge problems in my life at the moment. When trying to get into a better home is my "big problem" (we're not in a dangerous neighborhood, just one that can't change much), I'm doing pretty well.


Feeling kinda meh about things, so I need a little musical spice:


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Finally saw the Wayward Pines finale. Everything was fine until the last five minutes or so, then the patented M. Night Twist™ ruined it. I even spoiled the ending of the books it was based on for myself just to see if it was the author's idea or not...it wasn't, at least not entirely.  It's bad enough when a show has an awesome first season or two then goes downhill, but that happens a lot. Wayward Pines' first five episodes were outstanding, the sixth through eighth good, the ninth was decent, as was the tenth prior to the ending. If you decide to watch it, when you see two of the key characters on a computer screen in the last episode, stop. It's a lot more satisfying that way.


Oh, no. I hate those last second twists. I bet it wasn't foreshadowed or otherwise hinted at :mellow:

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Sometimes I like loud stuff like the above to drown out everything- "sorry, bad thoughts, can't hear you over the riffage!" :mellow:


Other times I want to hear something pleasant, or even sad. I was going back and forth between 80s radio stations last night and Dan Fogelberg's "Same Auld Lang Syne" came on, and damn if it didn't sound great in the moment. Funny how songs that didn't matter to you as a kid resonate with you when you get older.


I consider myself a rocker. I don't say I'm a metalhead anymore, because most of the modern metal is either mainstream-friendly stuff with more volume and tattoos or it's vocal chord blowout contests screeched over engine noise with no discernable beat or rhythm (or, on occasion, it's that symphonic stuff that, while an interesting concept, doesn't really do it for me). I'll put it another way- I am pretty damn sure I will be seeing Motorhead while in Vegas next month.


Yet here I was, listening to every word, thinking that running into an old girlfriend (or even an old crush that I was friends with) would probably go something like that. One thing that some of the late-70s/early-80s pop got right was the lyrical depth. The lyrics were more than just dressing for the rest of the music.

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