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I only ever played in one tournament for it. The guys that frequented the same LGS were the guys who ruined that game for tournaments in my mind forever. A few months after that, I just stopped playing because everyone Page 5.

For me its the fact that I could give my opponent my cards and a marker and then reappear for my turn having missed out on practically nothing, at least is GW games I have the occasional dice to roll in my opponent's turn

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I forgot to say but earlier I went into the Local games store for a quick look to see if anything new with regards Malifaux had turned up.  A couple of people were playing a game of Age of Sigmar on one of the tables so naturally I went over to have a look.  One of the players was actually a Fantasy stalwart and long term player like myself.  It actually looked like a lot of fun.


What little I saw of it didn't scream in depth tactics or anything similar and it does seem prone to large bubble melees in the centre field.  However, whilst talking to the stalwart, he actually admitted that he was finding it enjoyable in a weird way.  There was something refreshing about its simplicity but he could see the potential there for a much deeper gaming experience through the use of scenarios etc.  He was willing to give it a few games and see how it went, mainly because it cost him nothing to play. He already had plenty of models and the rules were a free download.


So, it has made me reconsider my rash decision to turn my back on it just yet, and I will try and coerce my brother into a game sometime soon.  Again it won't cost us anything..we both have plenty of model choice and free rules!  Plus reading what little bits of fluff I got, it actually does sound a good concept..It sounds like there are eight (?)realms (at least) based on the winds of magic, each containing a particular faction(s).....plus my dwarfs, sorry..Duardin, seem destined to get lovely new 'steampunk' models if the fluff is anything to go by.


As I said, I have changed my mind slightly and decided to give it a go...and keep an eye on the future releases.  I may even go so far as to say, this could turn out to be a good move for GW.

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I have decided, 2016 will be the year of the Gremlins for me.  I will focus what gaming time I can get on trying out all the masters, excepting Zoraida, and discovering the synergies within the faction.


Plus it looks like it could be a world of fun.


So now, whilst I wait for the rest of the Gremlin goodness to come my way post gencon, I can see myself looking through the books to find those hidden and not so hidden gems!

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I forgot to say but earlier I went into the Local games store for a quick look to see if anything new with regards Malifaux had turned up.  A couple of people were playing a game of Age of Sigmar on one of the tables so naturally I went over to have a look.  One of the players was actually a Fantasy stalwart and long term player like myself.  It actually looked like a lot of fun.


What little I saw of it didn't scream in depth tactics or anything similar and it does seem prone to large bubble melees in the centre field.  However, whilst talking to the stalwart, he actually admitted that he was finding it enjoyable in a weird way.  There was something refreshing about its simplicity but he could see the potential there for a much deeper gaming experience through the use of scenarios etc.  He was willing to give it a few games and see how it went, mainly because it cost him nothing to play. He already had plenty of models and the rules were a free download.


So, it has made me reconsider my rash decision to turn my back on it just yet, and I will try and coerce my brother into a game sometime soon.  Again it won't cost us anything..we both have plenty of model choice and free rules!  Plus reading what little bits of fluff I got, it actually does sound a good concept..It sounds like there are eight (?)realms (at least) based on the winds of magic, each containing a particular faction(s).....plus my dwarfs, sorry..Duardin, seem destined to get lovely new 'steampunk' models if the fluff is anything to go by.


As I said, I have changed my mind slightly and decided to give it a go...and keep an eye on the future releases.  I may even go so far as to say, this could turn out to be a good move for GW.

Interesting, I picked up a load of Forgeworld Chaos Dwarfs lately so they could go nicely on Circular bases, will see how it goes

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I have far too many of my dwarfs on square bases now, though with them being metal it isn't too much work to rebase, so will likely continue to use them.  But I do like the thought of nice little round bases for those stunties!

Well I am once again back to the stage of being completely unsupported by GW for my army of choice

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lol, I am sure someone out there will come up with rules for the Chaos dwarfs ..well, warscrolls I mean!


I just made a list of what I will have gremlin faction wise after the gencon stuff..there won't actually be much left to get so I am hopeful I could have all of it built by the turn of the new year depending on those Oct, Nov and dec releases too...

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I forgot where the comic was, I think it was CTRL ALT DEL. They compared lists to each other, rolled for initiative, and called the game at that. 100% accurate. 

This was actually Penny Arcade. Might've shared it on FB once...


Edit: Found it, but it wouldn't let me share... Weak sauce... You'll all just have to take me for my word. But if you google "Penny Arcade Warmachine Comic", it's one of the first that pops up. :P

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This was actually Penny Arcade. Might've shared it on FB once...


Edit: Found it, but it wouldn't let me share... Weak sauce... You'll all just have to take me for my word. But if you google "Penny Arcade Warmachine Comic", it's one of the first that pops up. :P

So now am spending my time reading these

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So, it looks like Crush is going Neverborn exclusively, I plan on going Gremlin for 2016...what are anyone elses plans?  I assume Victoria will switch from Yan Lo after Gencon?


Will Fiend continue with Guild?


Will Benshin go all TT on our ass?



6 months of Mei!! I dont know how long actually although my no spending on Gencon resolve is weakening

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So, it looks like Crush is going Neverborn exclusively, I plan on going Gremlin for 2016...what are anyone elses plans?  I assume Victoria will switch from Yan Lo after Gencon?


Will Fiend continue with Guild?


Will Benshin go all TT on our ass?




Yes, I am switching to Ulix after Gen Con.  :)  I love piggies!

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So, it looks like Crush is going Neverborn exclusively, I plan on going Gremlin for 2016...what are anyone elses plans?  I assume Victoria will switch from Yan Lo after Gencon?


I will play.... wait for it.... Guild.


Who knew?

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