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t to twenty several times until the urge passes.  I have no idea why I do this.


I also am kind of obsessed with having things happen equally to both sides of me.  For example, if I scratch one arm, I scratch the other, or if I bump one hand against something, I bump the other one on purpose, etc.

I used to do this A LOT when I was younger. Kind of relieved to know that I'm not the only one who had this "quirk" as well.


It got pretty bad at one point, when I'd have to do the same thing with just turning my head or raising my legs a certain way I walked. Didn't really grow out of it until after college too. I'm not nearly as bad as I was then, albeit I do tend to talk to myself considerably. Only way I can appease the nagging voices in my head. :P

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Kings of War won't work for tournaments?


Yes that was strongly worded, I have issues about how the game can work in a Tournament setting as I do have a couple of issues that came about in my game that I can see being exploited with little to counter them

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OH!!!  I forgot to tell everyone that Grandpa Lo won another game last night!  (by the skin of his teeth, 3 to 1) playing against Leveticus with a really weird crew of Levi, two teddies, two rogue necromancies, arcane effigy and three hollow waifs.

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OH!!!  I forgot to tell everyone that Grandpa Lo won another game last night!  (by the skin of his teeth, 3 to 1) playing against Leveticus with a really weird crew of Levi, two teddies, two rogue necromancies, arcane effigy and three hollow waifs.


Yay! Maybe I should give Grandpa Lo another shot.


weird leve crew, especially seeing that you can hire only 2 hollow waifs.......

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Ah, right. Haven't read the fluff in a while. I'd be inclined to think that it's less "Nico is a creepy old man" and more "There's Something About Kirai". It'd be like the person you see as the ideal mate suddenly showing up at your door and asking for your help. Who wouldn't be at least a little creepy in that situation?


Yes that was strongly worded, I have issues about how the game can work in a Tournament setting as I do have a couple of issues that came about in my game that I can see being exploited with little to counter them


Sorry- not angry, just puzzled. Kings of War was made to be played with a chess clock in tournaments, so I'm wondering what happened during your game that led to that conclusion.

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OH!!!  I forgot to tell everyone that Grandpa Lo won another game last night!  (by the skin of his teeth, 3 to 1) playing against Leveticus with a really weird crew of Levi, two teddies, two rogue necromancies, arcane effigy and three hollow waifs.

That sounds like a tough list to play against. What did you bring?

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Yes that was strongly worded, I have issues about how the game can work in a Tournament setting as I do have a couple of issues that came about in my game that I can see being exploited with little to counter them


Could you explain more?



One of the main reasons I don't get involved in new games anymore. The last one besides Malifaux was Dark Age, and I have another story about that game:


Hoj (one of the guys with a model named after him) and the rest of my friends were complaining about how the game was becoming unbalanced, and everything that was broken was TOO broken. The game design team shrugged it off. So Hoj told them he was going to be in the tournament, and bring the most broken list just to prove they were right. They said whatever...


So he went undefeated, and practically tabled everyone. Gets to the final round, tells the younger player across the table what his list is, what it does, and that the kid cannot win. Offers the kid a coin toss to see who wins the final round. Kid accepts, coin is tossed, kid wins the flip. Hoj walked away from the game. 


Boss Mode achieved.


Wow, that is actually impressive.



Friend of mine did that too. Found out that artillery was actually unbeatable, so he went and crushed everything with the most boring list imaginable. (Just artiliery pieces cracking out blasts) But it was unbeatable. Still is, I believe.

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hmmm..this is interesting..


Provided shipping stays the same during Gencon..the shipping for the 7 crew boxes I want is only $27.75, so about £18.00..


Might just do that ;)


And then hope customs don't whack me for about another £50!!

Oh they will

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Oh they will

I am beginning to think my luck will run out soon, I have ordered four large parcels from Wyrd over the years .


Three have just simply been delivered.


The 4th was delivered by royal Mail but with a sticker that said Customs was due on it, but no details of how to pay.  i checked with Royal Mail and they said if it was delivered and the postman didn't ask for the money or provide me with details of how to pay it, then i didn't have to pay!

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Of course. Thought you were talking about starting lists :P


Seeing as you are the Yan Lo expert, any cool tricks to share?


My best advice is lightning dance everything into your crew one at a time.  And always bring yin because people get obsessed with taking her down and she eats up a lot of activations.


My second best advice is don't be like me and get obsessed with doing the hunpo!  Most of the time its not worth it.  hehe


My third best advice is know when its time for yan lo to die.  Its after whatever his job is gets done!  People will be happy to kill your master while the rest of your crew runs schemes.

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Sorry- not angry, just puzzled. Kings of War was made to be played with a chess clock in tournaments, so I'm wondering what happened during your game that led to that conclusion.


Could you explain more?

Yeah, I played Abyssal Dwarfs versus Twilight Kin. Not entirely sure which rule set was used because I had a quick walkthrough of the rules before a game. 

The Twilight Kin Assassin got a Rear Charge on one of my units after teleporting around the battlefield and essentially just obliterated each of my units in turn, I can see that avoiding flanking manoeuvres is advisable but there was little I could do to avoid this particular individual. It seemed too strong for me that an Individual could wipe out a unit easily after a charge. 


Fliers also seem to be an issue, in the second turn I had combi charges going off with the Assassin and two units of Gargoyles again in my rear, again not a great deal i could do about this apart from going all gunline (which I don't like) 


Finally pre measuring to me takes away a lot of the challenges of a game, for example I knew that it would be highly unlikely that I would gain a charge against the Twilight Kin as they were faster and could premeasure where the units would be placed and what my charge range would be so was constantly set up that I could not charge but had to take the charge on the chin and attempt to work a flanking manoeuvre with another unit, which in my mind leads to having to take half regiments as flankers which is more stuff to move against the clock


Seems a little clunky to me 

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I am beginning to think my luck will run out soon, I have ordered four large parcels from Wyrd over the years .


Three have just simply been delivered.


The 4th was delivered by royal Mail but with a sticker that said Customs was due on it, but no details of how to pay.  i checked with Royal Mail and they said if it was delivered and the postman didn't ask for the money or provide me with details of how to pay it, then i didn't have to pay!

You jammy git! 


Also like your new Pic

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Yeah, I played Abyssal Dwarfs versus Twilight Kin. Not entirely sure which rule set was used because I had a quick walkthrough of the rules before a game. 

The Twilight Kin Assassin got a Rear Charge on one of my units after teleporting around the battlefield and essentially just obliterated each of my units in turn, I can see that avoiding flanking manoeuvres is advisable but there was little I could do to avoid this particular individual. It seemed too strong for me that an Individual could wipe out a unit easily after a charge. 


Fliers also seem to be an issue, in the second turn I had combi charges going off with the Assassin and two units of Gargoyles again in my rear, again not a great deal i could do about this apart from going all gunline (which I don't like) 


Finally pre measuring to me takes away a lot of the challenges of a game, for example I knew that it would be highly unlikely that I would gain a charge against the Twilight Kin as they were faster and could premeasure where the units would be placed and what my charge range would be so was constantly set up that I could not charge but had to take the charge on the chin and attempt to work a flanking manoeuvre with another unit, which in my mind leads to having to take half regiments as flankers which is more stuff to move against the clock


Seems a little clunky to me 


I see.


Tournament rounds are timed, bro... tick tick motherf****r


Another reason to avoid tournaments. ;)

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Sounds it. I am glad I stick to skirmish level games now. 

To be honest the person I was playing against has a reputation of....bending the rules to his advantage, so not writing the game off completely. Will get myself a copy of the rules and have a few more games see if I like it or not. If I don't I will convince my club to play 5th edition (the one true edition)

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