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Off Topic Playground

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We have four now. Not much harder than two, surprisingly enough.


Good to see you have a spare moment these days, Justin.


Stupid Warframe...got it in my head that it could be a decent minis-based boardgame, but there are already games like Doom, Gears of War, Project Pandora, and Space Hulk that cover the "handful of elites vs. the endless hordes in SPAAAACE" angle just fine. It'd have to be amazingly good to stand out. I'd settle for a dozen sculpts of a few 'Frames and enemies, to be honest.


On the other hand, I think I finally have the inspiration to get a bit more done on my warband rules project, and maybe even paint. I want to play more Malifaux and Kings of War in 2015 (especially since the girlfriend wants to get the Kin on the table).

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