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Well, I think it should be possible. The rules for Iron Kingdoms are basically more complicated versions of the Warmachine rules themselves. It should work, once you figure out a system for the characters to gain XP and evolve their abilities. If you do a baseline of characters get X amount of experience for surviving a game, then build additional XP around what their classes are, you should even be able to keep the balance right. So a duelist getting points for taking out characters, a sorceror getting points for taking out x number of models in a game using magic, a priest healing, a field mechanik repairing, etc. Anything that's not a particular, it goes to number of models killed by the character.

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So, discoveries made regarding my new schedule so far: Tuesdays feel like Fridays, both awesome and awful in that they mean i can indulge in my natural sleep pattern (Up late and sleep late) but the 7-5 bit drags it's fuzzy little paws. 

Thursdays feel like Mondays. there is no good in this. Mondays are awful. That is all. 


Other than the two mondays thing (which is almost and possibly completely (I'll get back to you on that) offset by the double friday) this schedule isn't too awful. Also, I got out on time tonight. or within a reasonable window. I'm not going to raise a fit over five minutes that wasn't my boss' fault. 


I'm still not sure about keeping it through the winter.... I really need to see the sun during the day.... 

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But shipboard weapons make everyone else a bigger target too, so it all balances out :D


...ok, ok, I'll get a vac suit and case instead and do it the sneaky, unexpected rifle round through the windshield method.

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