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Off Topic Playground

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Psychic phase looks like it will be more like fantasy's magic phase.


You can also apparently have a forge bound army where you follow the organisation chart or you can play an unbound army where you just take what you want but with a few penalties applied.


So it's going back to 2nd Edition in those respects. Probably not a bad idea if they can implement it well.



I was on board until the fleshtone section, then my head started to hurt...


If I had the slightest ounce of sculpting ability I'd try to make a miniature of one of the titular frames from Warframe.

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...and I've just realised that painting guide is the one that one of my old painting acquaintances back home has done.


Scott is annoyingly talented, and has had more than a bit of influence on my painting style over the years. And on my pre-GD drinking once or twice...

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Oh, not doing too bad. Much better than yesterday... mild headache, but nothing on the scale of last night.


Heh, yeah, that painting guide was impressive... another one of those 'Dammit all to hell, that's still too complicated even with instructions' kind, lol.


GD? O.o

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