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Great book. Classic scifi, with a great concept and excellent characters. Plus more than one interesting idea of aliens. The 'Riders are intelligent plants with ATVs, and the Tines are packs of wolves that are only intelligent once the pack is a certain size.

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I got smashed (again)


Need some of their modular movement trays for my abyssals.


Abyssal Dwarves or Forces of the Abyss? The latter at this point is one of the few bleak spots on the game as a whole- some excellent ally potential but as a force they are lacking right now. Fortunately there are plans to revise it once the minis start coming out. What did you play against?


One moment, gotta get my Seinfeld voice on...


Can someone tell me why the plural for "elf" is "elves" but the plural for "dwarf" is "dwarfs" in the UK? "Elves and dwarves" sounds much nicer than "elfs and dwarfs," but apparently only the pointy-ears got the message? Also, "Toronto Maple Leafs?" If "leaves" was good enough for Walt Whitman, it should be good enough for you, too.


OK, I'm good now :D

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