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Off Topic Playground

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well,.. it's cool looking. needs a few tweaks though,.. personal icons are too large for the space they are in. it cuts the bottom off of the pics. thanks are gone. and the mouseover on the leftmost icon in the showcase thread reads "popularny" instead of popular. Small things to be sure,.. but give 'em time,.. they'll get it fixed.

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Interesting new format. The bad news is that now I have to completely redo the Find-A-Player thread. I'm actually considering turning it over to someone else. I'm not quitting Malifaux, but I've been taking a bit of a break from miniatures in general. Just started Warframe tonight- plan on playing that online with my sister and our friends.


Lost two relatives and a washing machine. New all-in-one washer is small but awesome- does everything in one go. Miss my uncle, my grandmother...well, hopefully now she can finally rest. That side of the family is mostly bad mojo.


Been wanting to do some more Kings of War, but putting together my Wild West Exodus distracted me (not to mention breaking parts on a few figures- the KS exclusive females are fra-gee-lay). Painters should be looking at the Warrior Nation bosses just to paint- Geronimo is badass. I could easily see using Malifaux figs in WWX or vice-versa. If nothing else, some of the terrain bits might be useful to Malifaux players.


Got to see Deadzone recently- it really is "Necromunda for gamers on a time budget." Also thinking that if I want to do my Castlevania-in-miniatures participation game, I'll need to make up new rules.


Oh, and hopefully I'll get to meet some of you at Gencon, because the girlfriend and I are totally going (even though the horrid room booking system tried to thwart me  :P). Don't know if I will play in the big Malifaux tournament, but I might do a social tourney if there is one. 


As Joe Walsh said, "I can't complain, but sometimes I still do."

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Yeah, the forum is definitely a bit odd. I think I like it, though. bit easier on the eyes to read. The chatroom is especially cool, lol.


Sorry to hear about the relatives, Dust. :/ Hope you're doing well, though. Good to see you, it's been weird not having you around in the OTT.


Won't be at Gencon this year, sadly. There's a leadership conference I attend every year, and Gencon is the same week. Current plan is definitely 2015, though, and bringing a whole bunch of friends from Erie if we can manage.


How is Deadzone, by the way? I like the look of the Rebels faction, but I'm really hesitant about the board game aspects myself.

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