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Yeah, I got to go through that myself recently. Working on a project that I wasn't all that passionate about in the beginning, but working away at it, I loved it in the end. Quite proud and pleased with that one.

Not saying anything about how GW does things. Who knows what they have to deal with. I definitely feel like, sometimes, nobody will be happy no matter what. Must be even harder for them.

Just saying how I do things.

Anyway, good feeling, huh? :)

---------- Post added at 04:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 AM ----------

Justin, who's the irritating kid in the Malifaux class of 2014?



---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 AM ----------

I'm English, we don't have passion. Just an impressively stiff upper lip.

You also have Hugh Laurie.

He's pretty cool.

And...and cool names for food items.

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Yeah, it definitely was a good feeling. Hoping to have more projects like that. I'd prefer ones I'm passionate about from the beginning, but ones where I have to get past that point 'meh' are always going to be special, I think.

And yeah, I do not envy the GW design team. They are still the largest company by far, even with this latest news. It's gotta be hard for them each time they put out a project, there's always people for or against a book. Especially so with the format they use... put out a book, and you might not get to revisit it for a few years, even if people really, really hate it. But then there are the books that people love, and hopefully they get to hear about those more.

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Yeah, it definitely was a good feeling. Hoping to have more projects like that. I'd prefer ones I'm passionate about from the beginning, but ones where I have to get past that point 'meh' are always going to be special, I think.

And yeah, I do not envy the GW design team. They are still the largest company by far, even with this latest news. It's gotta be hard for them each time they put out a project, there's always people for or against a book. Especially so with the format they use... put out a book, and you might not get to revisit it for a few years, even if people really, really hate it. But then there are the books that people love, and hopefully they get to hear about those more.

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I dont work in the industry so my completely uniformed opinion is probably right


---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 AM ----------

And yeah, I do not envy the GW design team. They are still the largest company by far, even with this latest news. It's gotta be hard for them each time they put out a project, there's always people for or against a book. Especially so with the format they use... put out a book, and you might not get to revisit it for a few years, even if people really, really hate it. But then there are the books that people love, and hopefully they get to hear about those more.

One of their big problems is legacy issues. I mean look at what the 1e -> 2e has done with Malifaux. Tons of "why doesnt X do Y anymore?!" and GW has that over 6 editions now and an even greater number of models. But where Malifaux seems to have the freedom to remove some of the legacy issues, GW always seems very hesitant to do so. The biggest one I think being their turn order. I go, you go doesnt work with the GW army size. Oh good lord, nonono, please dont shoot me with literally your entire army before I get to go

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I dont work in the industry so my completely uniformed opinion is probably right


---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 AM ----------

And yeah, I do not envy the GW design team. They are still the largest company by far, even with this latest news. It's gotta be hard for them each time they put out a project, there's always people for or against a book. Especially so with the format they use... put out a book, and you might not get to revisit it for a few years, even if people really, really hate it. But then there are the books that people love, and hopefully they get to hear about those more.

One of their big problems is legacy issues. I mean look at what the 1e -> 2e has done with Malifaux. Tons of "why doesnt X do Y anymore?!" and GW has that over 6 editions now and an even greater number of models. But where Malifaux seems to have the freedom to remove some of the legacy issues, GW always seems very hesitant to do so. The biggest one I think being their turn order. I go, you go doesnt work with the GW army size. Oh good lord, nonono, please dont shoot me with literally your entire army before I get to go

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Mine lasted 3 days. And I wasn't flattened thankfully. Called in to drill and slept like 12 hours, and then I was good.

And my temp never got over 99. Which, admittedly is 3 degrees over my normal temp so I'm not sure it counts as a low grade still (mako?) but I was able to go to work... Prolly shouldn't have. Poor kiddos are all getting it now...

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