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No bones, but each leg can have up to 7 segments

---------- Post added at 05:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 AM ----------

And each segment is jointed which could be called a knee, depending on your definition of knee.

DO bees have knees?

---------- Post added at 05:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 AM ----------

And the senior lighting director sees the Ramos box over my shoulder and I start explaining Ramos' backstory to him

Henchin' 4 Lyfe

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It goes ok, ...and you?

I have been off the radar a bit because the new bosses don't like forums lol...

I have been in contact by email every now and then with Karn, but he is off Mali totally so I am sooooo out of touch.

I hear there are supply issues with the new rulebook? Hopefully not the models as I plan on picking up the new Justice and Viks sets soon..

I am investing heavily in WM at the mo, almost got the whole Menoth faction now (that includes multiple units of some too, and multiple jacks). Most is assembled, about a fifth painted so far lol.

Was considering either Farrow or Gators for a laugh but may leave that until next year.

I will pop on in lunchtimes when I can, but it may be sporadic...PM me if you want my email to keep in touch that way (that goes for anyone of the crew here!)

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