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Work. :P And homework. And work. Not a whole lot of fun this Monday, lol. Sorry, Tuesday. Whatever. Have gotten some stuff planned out for a map campaign, and starting watching through Leverage again, so that's a plus.

---------- Post added at 05:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

What's Wordpress?

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@Edonil: Yea it's a blog website where you can follow other bloggers etc. I use it for a lot of my 'progress on my miniatures' as it appears to have a fairly largish miniatures community on there.

Also use it to follow people who write Tutorials - i.e. EvilBleachedMan :D

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

Also - stomping around on CMON looking for ideas for my two new Reaper minis.

Have just realised - no matter how bad or good of a painter you are, you are apparently expected to paint eyes on Jolie.

I'm doooooomed.

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The trick I always like is a metallic and an ink. Wash in a pinch, but it doesn't work quite as well. My three favorite combinations are red ink/gold, red ink/silver, green ink/silver. Gives a nice glow effect.

As a couple examples...



---------- Post added at 06:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------

And now that I look at those photos...I think I just found the color scheme for my Scourge...the red gold with silver contrasts has the potential to look awesome on these models.

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Oh very cool Edonil. I haven't seen anyone do red on the inner armour sections.

Although that being said, most people I play against just paint the upper and lower sections the same colour hehe.

I don't think I fully understood what you meant with the colour scheme though - are you planning to change the silver to gold?

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I've been reading the pronunciation of "gmosnube" as "guh-MOWS-new-bay". Is that correct?

Getting frustrated with ordering through my LGS. I've been waiting for- I'm not sure how long, really- I know it's been at least a month, maybe 6 weeks or more on some of the things I've ordered.

I know the main distributor of things not-GW got delayed due to OSHA shutting them down for a week and a half, but this long a delay on a box of 20 Mantic Dwarves? I could've bought them from any number of places, several of which had them at a discount, too.

I won't buy GW product. At least for now, I have no interest in Spartan Games, Infinity, X-Wing, or Star Trek Attack Wing. I don't really need any of the paints he has in stock (one of the items I have on order is Army Painter's new colored ink set). Right now I have no real reason to give him my money. That said, I want to, because he's a nice guy and his store is where I spend the bulk of my time playing.

At least when the Malifaux 2nd Edition stuff gets in I'll be getting a rulebook and an Arsenal Box or two...

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