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Probably wouldn't work...

Oh, so PP did announce a Gencon exclusive for Warmachine, and I am safe from wanting it, cause it's the Butcher and I can't stand that character. There's only a handful of character I genuinely have zero interest at all in...but he's gotta be at the top of list...

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Clean cup! Next topic on discussion: The reanimation of dead tissue, in real life context!

Be warned, there are canine remains in this video. And some of them aren't yet undead. It's actually rather sickening if you are weak of stomach, or cannot stand semi-decent baroquecore music.

~Lil Kalki

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Yeah. honestly, I'm kinda getting annoyed at the sheer number of Khador special things they do. The Extreme Warjacks are both Khador, Khador got the first con exclusive mini, they've had a bunch more (or it feels like) of the Warcaster alt sculpts... you've got 13 other factions. Pick one of those!

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